
    摘  要:影视旅游是影视产业与旅游产业的深度契合,影视产业推动旅游产业发展,旅游产业促进影视产业发展。中央电视台无锡影视基地是我国最早建立并运营良好的大规模影视拍摄和旅游基地,选择它进行研究具有一定的可行性与代表性。因此,本文以无锡影视基地为例,研究影视产业与旅游产业之间存在的互动关系、彼此的联系影响,同时找出影视产业和旅游产业深入融合发展过程中需要注意的问题,提出相应对策,为将来影视旅游发展做一个有意义的参照与示范。67586


    Abstract: The depth of the movie is the movie and television industry and tourism industry conjunction, film and television industry promote the development of tourism industry, tourism industry promotes the development of movie and television industry. CCTV Wuxi film base is China's first large-scale operations and establish a good film and television film and tourism base, select it to study has certain feasibility and representative. Therefore, this paper takes Wuxi film and TV base as an example, the interactive relationship between the film and television industry and tourism industry, contact each other, at the same time find out the film and television industry and tourism industry in-depth integration need to be aware of the problems in the process of development, put forward the corresponding countermeasure, film and television tourism development in the future to do a meaningful reference and demonstration.

    Keywords: movie and television industry , tourism industry , movie and TV tourism, Wuxi film and TV base

    目   录

    1  引言 3

    2  无锡影视旅游 3

    2.1  无锡影视旅游概述 4

    2.2  影视与旅游互动过程中所需关注的问题 5

    3  影视产业推动旅游产业发展 5

    3.1  影视产业与旅游经济增长 5

    3.2  影视产业与旅游资源开发 7

    4  旅游产业促进影视产业发展 8

    4.1  旅游产业平衡协调影视产业格局 8

    4.2  旅游产业提升影视产品的竞争力 8

    4.3  影视产业与旅游产业的融合 9

    5  对无锡影视旅游未来发展的建议 9

    5.1  完善产业体系 10

    5.2  树立品牌形象 10

    5.3  拓展广告业务 11

    结 论 12

    参 考 文 献 13

    致 谢 14

    1  引言


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