



    Abstract:The hometown of Xiangyu is the birthplace of The king of Xiangyu ,and be considered the symbol of tourist attractions in Suqian, but the original scenic spot can’t satisfy the modern tourists’ demand, therefore, so The hometown of Xiangyu is rebuilt. And The hometown of Xiangyu is converted to avoid the simple building expansion and antique exhibition. Meanwhile, scenic spot reconstruction has also excavated the unique elements of the tourism culture—Xiangyu’s culture. The tourism culture mining is not only reflected in the expansion of the building and display of antique artifacts, but also reflected in the interaction with the visitors Games facilities, in case that visitors can involve in games and  understand the culture ,and experience with the Xiangyu’s culture. The scenic spot reconstruction increase scenic interest and enhance the cultural connotation of scenic spots and expand the influence of tourism scenic spots. But Xiangyu’s culture has great mining space, thus Scenic spots should excavate culture of the scenic area constantly and deeply.

    Keyword: The hometown of Xiangyu, the scenic spot reconstruction, Xiangyu’s culture, culture mining

    目   录

    1 前言……………………………………………………………………………… 4

    2 项王故里改建后项羽文化挖掘文化的体现………………………………… 4

    3 以项羽文化为核心的项王故里改建所带来的影响…………………… 5

    3.1景区的趣味性增加………………………………………………………… 5

    3.2游客量显著提升…………………………………………………… 5

    3.3景区形象提升显著………………………………………………… 6

    3.4景区客源地逐渐增加……………………………………………… 6

    3.5景旅游经济影响显著……………………………………………… 7

    3.6其他景区改建起到借鉴作用……………………………………… 7

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