


    Abstract: Yangzhou phoenix island is located in the suburb and the border of river and lake, with Yangzhou other cannot have the characteristics of resources of the scenic spot. How to play to Yangzhou phoenix island local resource strengths and solve the problems existing in the development, became this topic need to study the problem. Taking Yangzhou phoenix island resources development problems and countermeasures for the proposition, in order to promote the development of Yangzhou phoenix island tourism, this paper analyzes the Yangzhou phoenix island’s natural resources and human resources, and the advantage of the scenic area relative to other resources. And then to Yangzhou phoenix island tourism resources market analysis of existing problems in the development process, compared with other scenic spot out emphatically phoenix island advantage resources. Make full use of the characteristic resources of the scenic spot and improve the activity of each season. Provide the project that other scenic spot can't provide. Put forward the scenic problems existing in the development process of opinions.

    Key word: resource analysis of tourism spots, development problems of tourism spots , resource development countermeasures 

    目  录

    1引  言 3

    2扬州凤凰岛景区资源分析与景区概况 3

    2.1自然资源 3

    2.2人文资源 4

    2.3景区资源开发的现状 5

    3扬州凤凰岛景区优劣势与开发存在的问题 5

    3.1凤凰岛景区与扬州其他景区的对比 5

    1.优势资源以及与扬州其他景区相比 5

       2.存在的劣势与扬州其他景点相比 6

    3.2隐逸扬州项目与隐逸扬州度假区开发问题 7

    3.3人文资源未充分利用并且有些无保护措施 7

    3.4旅游产品老化,资金投入不足,决策人员规划水平较低 8

    3.5基础设施,安全设施不够完善 9

    4 扬州凤凰岛景区对于资源开发过程中问题的对策 9

    4.1改善旅游产品,每个季节项目,充分利用优势资源 9

    1.提供扬州其他景点无法提供的旅游产品 9

    2.优化桑葚果园和放鱼节等各季节特色活动 10

    4.2因地制宜,打造品牌,完善度假村 10

    4.3 充分利用人文资源,游客参与体验

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