
    摘 要:淮安河下古镇的开发与保护越来越受淮安市市政府的重视,但在开发其休闲特色过程中也遇到诸多难题,这是经济欠发达地区的历史文化古镇保护与开发所面临的困难的典型。本文以淮安市河下古镇为例探讨了如何发掘古镇中的休闲特质以及古镇休闲游的开发。分析古镇休闲旅游开发方面的不足,提出河下古镇休闲旅游开发的思路:加大宣传力度,和市场机制接轨、打造河下特色休闲旅游产品、提升现有休闲旅游产品的服务质量、加大文物保护力度,挖掘休闲文化资源及加强景区管理。将古镇休闲游通过市场开发提升形成满足市场需要的旅游产品,打造具有独特魅力的核心吸引物,是河下古镇发展的根本出路。67963



    Abstract:Huai’an city hall pay more attention to Hexia Ancient Town’s development and protection.But in the development of the leisure process also had many problems. This is typical of facing the developed areas of the historic town protection and development difficulties.This article taking Hexia Ancient Town as an example to discuss how to explore the town in leisure feature and the tourists of leisure.Analyse the weakness of leisure tourists.And find out of the way of explore Hexia ancient town: be more publicity,connected with the market, building Hexia tourism-production,improving the quality of leisure tourism products , increasing the protection of cultural relics.developing the resources of leisure resources.and improving the management of scenic. Through the market development,make the leisure tourism to be the trouism production that the market need, Shaping the core attraction has a unique charm This is the foudamental way of the Hexia ancient city development

    Keywords: Hexia Ancient Town, leisure tourism, tourism production

    目  录

    1  引言 5

    2  淮安河下古镇概述及基本情况 5

    3  淮安河下古镇旅游资源评价 6

    3.1河下古镇旅游资源概述 6

    3.2 河下古镇特色的休闲文化资源 8

    4  打造淮安河下古镇特色休闲旅游问题所在 10

    4.1 旅游旅游产品种类、方式较为单一,没有发展核心文化 10

    4.2 古镇对休闲旅游景区缺乏有效的管理、保护和规划 11

    4.3 古镇对外宣传缺乏力度 11

    4.4 古镇开发资金压力大 12

    5  如何开发淮安河下古镇特色的休闲旅游 12

    5.1河下特色的休闲旅游产品设计 12

    5.2加强景区规划管理 14

    5.3加大宣传营销力度 14

    5.4对发展河下古镇休闲旅游的畅想 14

    6  结论 16

    参考文献 17

    1  引言


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