

    毕业论文关键词  地方政府 旅游业 区级政府职能 思明区

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title The functions of the government in the development of administrative region in the tourist city -----With the example In SiMing District in XiaMen


    The government function and social economic development are closely related, in recent years, China's economic and society has made much progress, how to develop the local Characteristic economy under the direction of local government has became a hot issue. In this dissertation, the writer intends to study the role of local government in the development of tourism industry, with the example of the development of  tourism in SiMing District. Through the data analysis of changes in tourism industry  from 1980 to 2012 of  SiMing District, combining with the current  theory of government functions , the writer analyzed the function of local government in tourism industry and concluded that the government policy and the relationship between the local tourism. Made sure the positive role of local government in promoting the formation and development of tourism industry and pointed out the problems for further development. 

     Studying tourism industry from the view of the government management, the writer focus on the function and problems of local government in this specific economic fields of tourism industry and proposes corresponding solutions.

    Keywords  Local Government  Tourism Industry  Function of Government   SiMing District

    1 引言 5

    1.1  选题的提出及意义 5

    1.2  文献综述 6

    1.3  研究的方法 10

    1.4  论文框架 10

    2 思明区旅游业的现状分析及政府在推动旅游业发展时面临的困境 11

    2.1  思明区旅游业现状分析 11

    2.2  思明区政府在推动旅游业发展职能时面临的困境 13

    3 思明区政府在推动旅游业发展职能面临困境的原因分析 15

    3.1  政府失灵 15

    3.2  政府行为的“错位” 16

    3.3  地方政府的执行力不强 16

    3.4  旅游服务供给的结构性失衡 16

    4 国外政府推动旅游业发展的经验与借鉴 17

    4.1  国外政府推动旅游业发展的经验

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