


    Abstract:Food and beverage enterprise culture is very important to the long-term development of the hotel.Food and beverage enterprises for the culture can guide the direction of the enterprise.Wanda Realm hotel’s food and beverage enterprise culture has a series of problems: s food and beverage enterprise culture popularization is narrow, rigid culture backward, weak cultural philosophy,cultural implementation is not in place. Therefore,in the future, countermeasures construction of enterprise culture Wanda Realm hotel improves the food and beverage enterprise culture implementation progress, innovative food and beverage enterprise culture, strengthen service concept and improving guest satisfaction. Enterprises in the food and beverage enterprise culture construction to explore the best solution, and put into practice, for the implementation of the feasibility of the implementation of food and beverage enterprises in our country to make efforts.

    Key word:  Enterprise culture;Wanda Realm ;Problems;Strategies


    1 引言 3

    2 企业文化及其国内外研究现状 3

    2.1 企业文化 3

    2.2 国内外研究现状 4

    3 研究方法 4

    3.1 文献总结 4

    3.2 问卷调查 5

    4 淮安万达嘉华酒店餐饮企业文化建设的缺陷 5

    4.1 餐饮企业文化普及面较窄 5

    4.2 餐饮企业文化僵化落后 6

    4.3 员工的餐饮企业文化理念淡薄 6

    4.4 员工餐饮企业文化落实不到位 7

    5 淮安万达嘉华酒店的餐饮企业文化建设对策 8

    5.1 完善餐饮企业文化实施进度 8

    5.2 创新餐饮企业文化 8

    5.3 强化服务理念 9

    5.4 提升宾客满意度 9

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12


     1 引言


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