

    毕业论文关键词  B-Dot探针 积分器 PFN模块 磁场测量


    Title        Research on measuring electromagnetic fields  based on B-dot probe                   


    This paper describes the basic principle of B-Dot probe, and briefly introduces the development and applications of B-Dot probe. The equivalent circuit and the circuit equations of B-Dot probe measuring magnetic fields are given and the selection of the integrator is analyzed. Three plans for placing B-Dot probe measuring magnetic fields and three insulative outer housings for placing B-Dot probe are designed. Using the designed plan for placing B-Dot probe measuring magnetic fields, the magnetic fields on the central axis of the inductance are measured while the PFN module discharging. The induced electromotive force across the small coil which is in the B-Dot probe is measured by experiment and the relative magnetic induction can be calculated. The curve of the measured current and the curve of the calculated relative magnetic induction are analyzed, and inevitable relation between the relative magnetic induction and the current is obtained. There is some significance for applications of B-Dot probe measuring magnetic fields.

    Keywords  B-Dot probe, integrator, PFN module, measuring magnetic fields


    1 引言 5

    1.1 电磁轨道炮简介 5

    1.2 论述研究的重要性 6

    1.3 本文的主要工作 6

    1.3.1 理论分析 6

    1.3.2  试验部分 6

    2 B-Dot探针的基本原理 8

    2.1 B-Dot探针简介 8

    2.1.1  B-Dot探针的分类 8

    2.1.2  B-Dot探针的应用 10

    2.2 B-Dot探针的发展 11

    2.3 B-Dot探针的工作原理 12

    3 B-Dot探针磁场的测量 13

    3.1 B-Dot探针测量磁场的等效回路及回路方程 13

    3.2 R-C积分器和R-L积分器的选用 15

    3.3 B-Dot探针的设计 17


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