



    毕业论文关键字 图像处理、光纤放线、Radon变换、曲线跟踪


    Title    The research of fiber releasing image recognition technology based on Radon transform                         


    Optical fiber guidance which is a new kind of image guidance with a high bandwidth is being paid more and more attention and being used in many systems. The successful releasing of the fiber from the solenoid is the key technology of optical fiber guidance. To ensure the success rate of fiber releasing we have to build the dynamical model to find  the best structure of fiber releasing .while the accurate measurement of the array of the fiber is the premise of the model building. 

    In this paper we used the Radon transform theory to analyze the feature of fiber arraying on the solenoid. And programmed the Radon transform on matlab, Based on the result of the Radon transform we reappeared the array mode of the optical fiber on the solenoid. In the last we introduced a simple curve tracing algorithm and programmed the algorithm on matlab.

    Through the study of this paper, we successfully did the recognition of the array of the fiber, and got a good result .provided a new way of the recognition of the releasing of the fiber.

    Key words: Image processing、Radon transform、curve tracing


    1  绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2 光纤制导发展历史 2

    1.3 本文的主要工作 3

    2  运用Radon变换进行图像处理 4

    2.1 Radon变换背景及原理 4

    2.2 Radon变换的实现 5

    2.3 本章小结 7

    3  基于Radon变换的密排光纤识别 7

    3.1 图片预处理 7

    3.2 对光纤线包不同部位进行Radon变换 11

    3.3通过计算方差值寻找规律最好的Radon变换角度 20

    3.4由识别角度获得光纤密排图 22

    3.5本章小结 25

    4  对释放光纤的识别 26

    4.1曲线跟踪算法简介 26

    4.2 对腾空的曲线的跟踪 29

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