Preparation and characterization of solid lipid nanoparticles loaded zinc oxide
Abstract: This paper by means of single factor experiment to research the emulsion system of ZnO solid lipid nanoparticles , through study the formula structure and preparation process of the emulsion system, optimize the preparation conditions, and represent of the morphology characteristics , particle size and dispersion coefficient of the solid lipid nanoparticles, and analyzes its ultraviolet absorption characteristics and stability. Results showed that the emulsification temperature is 80 ℃, lipid 1:1 ratio of raw materials and dosage of emulsifier, dosage of zinc oxide as the lipid material under the condition of 1/2 of solid lipid particles, the average particle size is 300 nm, particle is circular and uniform distribution, and have good ultraviolet absorption and storage stability.Conclusion the solid lipid nanoparticles carried zinc oxide was used as a transport system in the application of inorganic sunscreen cosmetics, this new type of delivery systems is prevented bask in a product can effectively avoid the common inorganic sunscreen cosmetics painted white effect in the use process, avoid the affect beautiful when using the sunscreen products. In the case of usability is good without affecting its stability and the UVA and UVB protection properties.
KeyWords: zinc oxide;single factor experiment;solid lipid nanoparticles;Inorganic sunscreen;Emulsification system;partical size
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1本课题国内外研究现状概况 1
1.2固体脂质微粒在化妆品中的应用 2
1.3防晒化妆品现状以及应用 3
1.4包覆ZnO固体脂质微粒在防晒化妆品中的应用 5
1.5本课题的研究目的和意义 6
2实验部分 7
2.1实验原料及仪器 7
2.1.1实验原料 7
2.1.2仪器设备 7
2.2样品的制备 8
2.3固体纳米脂质微粒的表征 8
2.3.1固体脂质微粒的粒径大小及分测定 8
2.3.2固体脂质微粒的显微镜观察 9
2.3.3固体脂质微粒的扫描电镜观察 9
2.3.4固体脂质微粒的稳定性测定 9
2.3.5紫外吸光度法测定样品的防晒性 9
3实验结果与讨论 11
3.1单因素优化工艺条件对体系的影响 11
3.1.1均质时间对脂质微粒粒径大小及分布的影响 11
3.1.2均质功率对脂质微粒粒径大小及分布的影响 12
3.1.3乳化温度对脂质微粒粒径大小及分布的影响 13
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