    Resolution of D/L-menthol by Precolumn Derivatization and High Performance Liquid Chromatography
    Abstract:The structure, physicochemical properties of L-menthol and their application status. This paper introduces the synthesis of menthol, menthol racemate splitting method and detection methods research status; Comprehend the application  of different types of chiral stationary phase .And the principle and applications of different types of detectors. Learn liquid chromatography by chemical derivatization; study the racemic menthol by pre-column derivatization method and then separated by HPLC, then after the separated derivatization of D-menthol and L-menthol , get of f the derivatization reagent and achieve the separation of racemic menthol. Study the chiral resolution mechanism of the different chiral stationary phase .Use the immobilized chiral stationary phase analysis and split separating racemic menthol derivatization . Study the influence of different mobile phase ,different mobile phases ratio ,the column temperature , flow on analysis and separation.
    Keywords: menthol; pre-column derivatization ; High Performance Liquid Chromatography; chiral separation;
    1 绪论    3
    1.1本课题研究背景与意义    3
    1.2 课题研究现状及其原理    5
    1.2.1  L-薄荷醇的合成现状    5
    1.2.2  薄荷醇的拆分研究现状    6
    1.2.3  化学衍生液相色谱法    7
    1.3 本课题的研究目的    9
    2 DL-薄荷醇衍生物的合成    10
    2.1 对甲氧基苯甲酸薄荷醇酯的合成    10
    2.1.1 对甲氧基苯甲酸DL-薄荷醇酯的合成    10
    2.1.2 对甲氧基L-薄荷醇酯的合成    11
    2.2 对苯基苯甲酸    11
    2.2.1 对苯基苯甲酸DL-薄荷醇酯的合成    11
    2.2.2 对苯基苯甲酸L-薄荷醇酯的合成    12
    2.3 1-萘甲酸    13
    2.3.1 1-萘甲酸DL-薄荷醇酯的合成    13
    2.3.2 1-萘甲酸L-薄荷醇酯的合成    13
    3 DL-薄荷醇手性拆分分析方法的研究    14
    3.1  使用的材料试剂、仪器设备    14
    3.1.1 仪器设备    14
    3.1.2 使用试剂    14
    3.2 实验条件和流动相    14
    3.2.1 实验采用的色谱条件    14
    3.2.2 样品溶液配制    15
    3.3 实验内容    15
    3.3.1 实验方法    15
    3.4 实验结果    16
    3.4.1 手性柱的选择    16
    3.4.2 流动相的选择    20
    3.4.3 流动相比例的选择    24
    3.4.4 流速的选择    28
    3.4.4 温度的选择    35
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