    关键词: 碳四;加氢催化;1-丁烯异构;工艺操作条件;稳定性实验
    Mixed C4 selective hydrogenation of butadiene removal and 1-butylene isomerization catalysts
    Abstract : This study selected  the refinery catalytic cracking (FCC) apparatus by-product after synthesis of the MTBE process after the rest of the mixed carbon four .After calcining 4 hours , respectively to obtain two vectors A, B at a temperature of 600 ℃ 900 ℃, and impregnated with a solution containing Pd metal . The two catalysts in the experimental evaluation of the evaluation means to selectively draw the firing temperature of the carrier A 600 ℃ preferably 1-butylene for 2-butylene . Then start the measurement of the active ingredient content on catalyst performance carrier A, experimental data show that the catalyst impregnated 0.26 (m / m)% of Pd is obtained after ether cleavage selective hydrogenation of carbon four high purity de- butadiene and 1-butylene isomerization suitable catalysts.
    Research conducted by the above process conditions the catalyst for the different temperature, pressure, space velocity and hydrogen ratio were carried out several experiments . Process operating conditions results show that the catalyst suitable process operating conditions are as follows: pressure 1.5MPaG ~ 2.0MPaG, the temperature is 50 ℃ ~ 80 ℃, space velocity5h-1~6h-1 h-1, hydrogen ratio 3mol/mol.
      Finally, to test the stability of various properties of the catalyst stability experiments conducted for 500h . Concluded that the conversion of the butadiene , the rate of 1-butylene isomerism to 2-butylene, indicating the hydrogenation activity and selectivity of the catalysts have good stability.
    Keywords: Carbon four;Catalytic hydrogenation ; 1- isomerization of Butene;
    process operating conditions; stability test
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究的目的与意义    1
    1.1.1 研究的目的    1
    1.1.2 研究的意义    1
    1.2  国内外的发展概括    1
    1.2.1  国内外混合碳四烃的利用现状    2
    1.2.2  对我国混合碳四烃利用的建议    2
    1.3  我的研究方向、方法及内容    2
    1.3.1  研究方向    2
    1.3.2  研究方法    2
    1.3.3  研究内容    3
    1.4  工艺原理    4
    1.5  化学反应方程式    4
    1.5.1  主反应    4
    1.5.2  副反应    5
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