摘要:本文根据玻璃化温度设计了铝合金钎焊用粘结剂配方,采用溶液聚合法使用甲基丙烯酸甲酯、丙烯酸丁酯、丙烯酸羟丙酯、丙烯酸等单体合成了水溶性丙烯酸树脂。用蔡恩杯测定其粘度:使用红外测谱仪分析其所含的基团,同时测定了粘结剂的含固量。分析结果表明:当甲基丙烯酸甲酯含量为30%、丙烯酸丁酯53%、丙烯酸羟丙酯5%、丙烯酸12%,溶剂使用正丁醇,且溶剂与单体的比例为1:1.5时,合成的水溶性丙烯酸树脂,其粘度为593.4 cSt,含固量为0.38,其性能及所含基团与进口粘结剂比较接近,可以作为铝合金钎焊用粘结剂;但其透明度和存放性还有待于进一步提高。19882
Study on the synthesis of water-solubility acrylic resinbinder
Abstract: Based on the glass transition temperature ,the adhesives formulations of aluminium alloy brazing were designed. Using aqueous solution method, water-
soluble acrylic resins were synthesized with polymerization of methyl methacrylate and acrylic acid butyl acetate, hydroxypropyl acrylate esters and acrylic monomers .. The viscosity of water-soluble acrylic resins was measured by Zion Cup. Using an infrared spectrometer ,the group of water-soluble acrylic resins was analysised. And the amount of the binder solids of water-soluble acrylic resins was determinated . The results showed that: when the methyl methacrylate content of 30% , 53% butyl acrylate , propyl acrylate, 5% hydroxypropyl acrylate, 12% n-butanol solvent , and the ratio of solvent to monomer is 1:1.5 , synthetic water-soluble acrylic resin having a viscosity of 593.4 cSt, the amount of solids was 0.38 , the binder contained in the group close to the inlet can be used as the binder for the brazing of aluminum alloy ; But transparency and storage properties should be further improved.
Keywords : viscosity ; solid content ; soluble acrylic resin ; infrared spectroscopy
1前言 1
1.1粘结剂简介 1
1.2粘结剂的发展 1
1.3丙烯酸树脂粘结剂机理及发展 2
1.3.1第一代丙烯酸酯胶粘剂 2
1.3.2第二代丙烯酸酯胶粘剂 2
1.3.3丙烯酸酯厌氧胶粘剂 3
1.3.4丙烯酸压敏胶粘剂 4
1.3.5氰基丙烯酸酯胶粘剂 4
1.4水溶性丙烯酸树脂粘结剂的研究进展 5
1.5铝钎剂中的粘结剂 6
1.6选题的目的和意义 7
1.7课题的研究内容和目标 8
1.7.1研究内容 8
1.7.2研究目标 8
2实验 9
2.1实验用原材料 9
2.1.1水溶性丙烯酸树脂合成用单体 9
2.1.2溶剂 9
2.1.3铝钎焊用进口粘结剂 9
2.2实验设备 9
2.2.1蔡恩杯 9
2.2.2 JB50-D型增力电动搅拌机 9
2.2.3电阻炉 10
2.2.4红外光谱仪 11
2.2.5实验器材组装图 11
2.3实验方案 12
2.3.1水溶性丙烯酸树脂的合成配方 12
2.3.3粘度的测定 15
2.3.4水溶性丙烯树树脂粘结剂的性能表征 16
2.4实验过程 16
2.4.1水溶性丙烯酸树脂的合成 16
2.4.2红外光谱分析 16
2.4.3含固量的测定 16
3 实验结果及讨论分析 17
3.1各配方玻璃化温度的计算结果 17
- 上一篇:焦磷酸盐-二价锡盐铜锡合金电镀工艺研究
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