    毕业论文关键词: 聚甲醛; 成核剂; 力学性能;结晶性能
    The Research of Modification on POM with EAA-Ca/POE/PA6 Composite
    Abstract: By calorimetry (DSC), mechanical testing, polarizing and financial means test and other tests, POE/EAA-Ca/PA6 composite nucleating agent, to explore its effects about mechanical properties and crystallization behavior of POM. The results show that EAA graft modify POM front and back, because POM and POE have different polar wax mixed with calcium-modified POM elongation increase, but the tensile strength decreased; POM / POE = 85/15 composite change POM to significant decrease of impact strength, little improvement on tensile strength and significant delamination due to poor compatibility; 1% POE/PA6 = 7/3 nucleating agent fixed with PA6/EAA-Ca to modify POM shows no significant change about mechanical properties but enhance the melt; The powder of the nucleating agent with different content of PA6 (0.15-0.9%) modify POM shows that when PA6 is added with 0.3%, improve the impact strength of 13%, elongation at break of 22% and tensile strength increase of 4%. Crystallization temperature 1.17℃ and undercooling 0.22.Its mechanics and crystallization properties are improved. To summary, the  powder of a nucleating agent with PA6 0.3% modified POM has best results.
    Key Words: POM;nucleating agent;Mechanical properties;crystallization properties
     目 录
    1 前言    1
    1.1    复合改性聚甲醛分析    2
    1.2    改性聚甲醛POM成核剂国内外研究现状    3
    1.3    研究目的和意义    5
    2    实验方法与表征    6
    2.1    实验原料    6
    2.2    实验设备    6
    2.3    制备工艺流程    7
    2.4    力学性能与结晶行为    7
    2.4.1    力学性能测试    7
    2.4.2    示差量热扫描    8
    2.4.3    偏光显微镜    8
    3    实验部分    9
    3.1    POE接枝前后对POM增韧改性    9
    3.1.1    EAA-Ca改性POM    9
    3.1.2    EAA-Ca、POE改性POM    9
    3.1.3    接枝POE增韧改性POM    9
    3.2    EAA/CA/POE混合改性POM    10
    3.3    不同含量PA6改性POM    10
    3.4    复合成核剂改性POM    10
    3.4.1    尼龙成核剂制备与对比    10
    3.4.2    POE/PA6/EAA-Ca改性POM    10
    4    实验结果与讨论    11
    4.1    POE接枝前后对POM影响    11
    4.1.1    EAA-Ca改性POM表征    11
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