    Research on present situation of soil heavy metal pollution and restoration in some areas of Fengxian District
    Abstract:With the advancement of urbanization and rapid development of economy, industry, especially in the heavy industry has been rapid development. These human activities in promoting the social development at the same time, also caused the soil heavy metal pollution in many cities. Soil heavy metal pollution is one of the important factors for soil environmental damage and it directly or indirectly does harm to people's health. This study make Fengcheng economic park in Shanghai as an example, adopted 39 sample point of surface soil samples and 8 samples of deep soil sampling points, the soil heavy metal cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), arsenic (As), zinc (zinc), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) were determined by analysis, and the measurement results were analyzed by the single factor pollution index method and nemerow composite pollution index method,according to the method of soil environmental quality standards for its pollution condition for the research and evaluation. The results show that the the surface soil in study area is mainly polluted by zinc (zinc), and industrial zone also received pollution of copper (Cu). According to nemerow composite pollution index method shows that in three areas the pollution degree of industrial area is the highest, the pollution degree of market area is lowest. According to soil heavy metal pollution of main research area, put forward the corresponding repair measures.
    KeyWords:soil;heavy metal pollution;evaluation; repair
    1前言 1
    1.1国内外研究现状 1
    1.1.1国内土壤重金属污染状况和区域研究现状 1
    1.1.2国外土壤重金属研究现状 3
    1.2郊区土壤重金属测定的意义 4
    1.3研究内容与技术路线 5
    1.3.1论文研究内容 5
    1.3.2研究方法与技术路线 5
    2土壤重金属污染的来源与危害 6
    2.1土壤重金属污染的来源 6
    2.2郊区土壤重金属污染的危害 7
    3数据测定与分析 8
    3.1样品的采集 8
    3.1.1研究区域的选择与确定 8
    3.1.2采样点的布置 9
    3.2土壤中重金属元素的测试 9
    3.3结果分析 10
    3.3.1测量数据 11
    3.3.2土壤重金属含量分析 12
    3.3.3土壤重金属污染评价 15
    3.4土壤表层与深层重金属含量比较 20
    4郊区土壤重金属污染的防治对策 22
    4.1研究区域短期治理 22
    4.2土壤重金属污染的修复技术 22
    4.3土壤重金属污染的防治对策 23
    5结论 25
    1  前言
    1.1 国内外研究现状
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