





    毕业论文关键词: 纳米零价铁;十溴联苯醚;炭微球

    Carbon microspheres supported nano zero valent iron to remove the soil decaBDE

    Abstract: As an efficient additive flame retardant,decabromodiphenyl ether(DBDE) is widely used in plastics and rubber modified industry , but it is difficult to environmental degradation brought very great harm. played a significant roleenvironmental protection and pollution control . It has a large surface area and high reactivity. Recent studies showed that Nanoscale zero valent iron has a significant effect and broad application prospects in the removal of organic compounds similar.

    Carbon microspheres is a function of the material to be used more often, it has aporous, high surface area of the physical characteristics of high-temperature strength and reducing chemical properties make it in many areas has been widely used. So, we  carbonmicrospherescanused as a zero-valent iron carrier, while it can also be the reductant forpreparationof zero-valent iron . This supported nano zero valent iron can effectively prevent the agglomeration of nano zero valent iron and makes the size of the particles as small as possible. Research isof simulation in water and soil decabromodiphenyl ether.

    Keywords:Nanoscale zero valentiron(Nzvi),decabromodiphenylether(DBDE),Carbon microspheres


    1.绪论 1

    1.1农田土壤有机污染治理对策 1

    1.1.1 从源头进行治理 1

    1.1.2 异位修复和原位修复 1

    1.2课题研究目的 3

    1.3课题研究的理论意义 4

    1.4课题创新点 5

    2.课题综述 5

    2.1十溴联苯醚的基本性质 5

    2.2 十溴联苯醚的污染现状 7

    2.2.1 土壤中十溴联苯醚的污染状况 7

    2.3 十溴联苯醚的污染修复方法 7

    2.3.1 光降解 7

    2.3.2 生物降解 8

    2.3.3 水热反应 8

    2.3.4 电解和催化加氢 8

    2.4 纳米零价铁技术的发展与应用

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