    Study on law of formation of dust particles in the pipe explosion
    Abstract: Dust explosion refers to the fineness of the dust dispersed in air or combustion gases when its density explosion limit is reached, and receive sufficient ignition energy must have occurred after an explosion. As the industry develops, more and more industry involves the discharge of industrial dust and transport of materials, these jobs are inevitably contains a lot of dust of gas-solid two-phase flow through a pipeline. These from dust explosion accident of case to analysis, summary out dust explosion accident raised of some basic law, combines at this stage both China and abroad scholars in related aspects of research progress, to classic drug (C8H8KNO5) dust cloud, and dust layer of fire characteristics and dust cloud of explosion features for research of based, focusing on simulation and analysis of migration of explosive dust inside the pipe, research and discussion in explosive state, the distribution of the dust in the pipe , the dust cloud formation law and mutual influence of dust particles with the air flow.
    Keywords: Dust explosion;Law of motion;Explosion characteristics;Pipeline transportation
    目 录
    引言    1
    1  粉尘爆炸事故成因案例分析    3
    1.1  基本数据统计分析    3
    1.2  粉尘爆炸事故的影响因素分析    4
    1.3  粉尘爆炸模式    5
    1.4  粉尘爆炸机理研究    6
    1.4.1  可燃性粉尘的爆炸原理    6
    1.4.2  粉尘爆炸事故的必要条件    7
    1.4.3  粉尘爆炸的一般特征    7
    1.5  近年国内外粉尘爆炸事故案例    8
    2  粉尘爆炸的研究现状进展    11
    2.1粉尘爆炸模型及机理研究    11
    2.2  运输管道内粉尘爆炸传播规律的研究    13
    3  经典药物克拉文酸钾粉体    16
    3.1  克拉文酸钾化学特性    16
    3.2  克拉文酸钾粉尘物理性质检测    16
    3.2.1  湿度检测    16
    3.2.2  粒径检测    19
    4  克拉文酸钾粉尘的着火特性    20
    4.1  粉尘层最低着火温度测定    20
    4.1.1  检测依据    20
    4.1.2  设备材料介绍    20
    4.1.3  流程    20
    4.1.4  粉尘层最低着火温度记录    21
    4.1.5  结果综述    23
    4.2  粉尘云最低着火温度测定    24
    4.2.1  检测依据    24
    4.2.2  设备材料介绍    24
    4.2.3  流程    25
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