    关键词   氟  吸附法  凹凸棒石粘土  离子色谱法  
    Title    The Research and Application of Ion Chromatography  Detecting Anion in the Lake Water                                               
    Water pollution is an increasingly serious problem currently, in which the excessive of negative ions such as fluorine, chlorine, nitric acid, sulfuric acid is particularly prominent. Fluorine pollution is a common problem in the lake water of north China which threatens people's health. With palygosrskite, which is abundant and cheap in our country, as the experimental materials, we study their fluoride adsorption capacity in the water. We prepare the simulated waste water with known fluoride concentration, adsorb it with palygosrskite, and then in order to calculate those parameters such as removal rate, which could reflects the adsorption performance of ATP ,we use ion chromatography for the determination of remain fluorine ion concentration. We compare the difference of the adsorption performance of the palygosrskite which are modified in different temperature. With the better one, we plan the isothermal and dynamic experiments and discuss the influences of pH、competitive anion and different grain diameter. We finally find that palygosrskite is a kind of convenient, economical and efficient fluoride adsorbent through the study.
    Keywords  Fluoride; Adsorption; Palygosrskite; Ion chromatography   
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 离子色谱法概述    1
    1.2 氟离子概况    2
    1.3 凹凸棒石简介    2
    2 离子色谱法检测水体中氟离子的操作方法    4
    2.1 仪器与试剂    4
    2.2 色谱条件    4
    2.3 样品制备    4
    2.4 测定方法    5
    2.5 标准曲线的测定    5
    2.6 方法精密度    6
    2.7 方法准确度    6
    3 凹凸棒石粘土对于氟离子吸附性能的研究    8
    3.1 天然及改性凹凸棒石材料的筛选    8
    3.2 吸附等温线    10
    3.3 吸附动力学实验    13
    3.4 pH对于凹凸棒石粘土吸附氟离子的影响    17
    3.5 竞争阴离子对于凹凸棒石粘土吸附氟离子的影响    19
    3.6 凹凸棒材料粒径对其吸附氟离子的影响    21
    结  论    23
    致  谢    24
    1  绪论
    离子色谱(简称IC)属于分析离子的一种液相色谱方法,在常用的几大类色谱技术中一直占据着显著的地位,它属于高效液相色谱技术(简称HPLC)的一个重要分支。它是学者在1975年创造性地提出的一种微量湿化学分析新技术[1],80年代末开始在水处理领域被广泛地运用。IC问世以后,很快被相关人员当做检测分析阴离子的首选方法。近年来,离子色谱已经从最初常用于无机阴离子的分析,发展到现在用于多种有机物和无机阴阳离子的分析,广泛应用于饮用水、环境、电子、化工、石化、公安系统以及食品饮料和药物的分析,发展势头越来越猛烈。关于饮用水中无机非金属(阴离子)物质含量的检测,例如生活用水及其它水源中氟化物、氯化物、硝酸盐和硫酸盐等的含量测定,GB/T 5750.5 2006推荐了用离子色谱法。可见,离子色谱法适用于生活饮用水等水源水中常见可溶性阴离子的测定。
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