    摘要: 本课题研究了食用菌种农药多残留检测方法,并主要研究了新烟碱类杀虫剂啶虫脒的仪器方法和检测条件等。为此做了两部分实验。
    The research of pesticide residues in edible fungi species detection methods and studies the neonicotinoids acetamiprid methods and instruments to detect conditions. Done a two-part test.
    The first part is a pesticide residue detection method. By liquid chromatography mass spectrometry test sample which pesticide residues. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry is used in EC-C18 column (3.0 × 100mm; 2.7um), wherein the liquid chromatography conditions: mobile phase A methanol , B = 1:9 methanol: water ( 0.05% methanol , 5mmol / l ammonium acetate ) ; flow rate of 0.3ml/min; gradient elution 0 ~ 1min, 10% B; 1 ~ 5min, 10% ~ 90% B; 5 ~ 9.5min, 90% B; 9.5-9.6min, 90% ~ 10% B; 9.6 ~ 12min, 10% B; column temperature was 40 ℃, injection volume 5ul. MS conditions : electrospray ionization (ESI), the positive ion mode . The determination of samples containing prochloraz, carbendazim and other pesticides .
    The second part is the study of a single pesticide acetamiprid measurement conditions and methods. Instrument approach is in the mobile phase of methanol : water = 20:80 , detection wavelength of 246nm. Add recycling experiment weighed 15g white button mushrooms contain acetamiprid undetected, do three sets of parallel experiments , the same pretreatment methods and multi-residue testing, but is added to a concentration of 400ppm of Agaricus acetamiprid Standard 0.1 ml, is used in high performance liquid chromatography instrument , instrument conditions as acetamiprid instrument conditions , the recoveries obtained were 104% , 106% , 108%, a standard deviation of 2.0%. Description of the methods to detect acetamiprid better. Also explore the selective extraction of acetamiprid agent, consider the consolidation of acetonitrile appropriate.
    Key Words: Acetamiprid; liquid chromatography; liquid chromatography mass spectrometry; mushroom.
    目  录    I
    1 前言    - 1 -
    1.1 选题依据    - 1 -
    1.2 农药的发展历程    - 1 -
    1.3 新烟碱类杀虫剂的抗性及治理    - 1 -
    1.4新烟碱类杀虫剂的发展趋势    - 2 -
    1.5 农药的环境行为和环境效应    - 2 -
    1.5.1环境行为    - 2 -
    1.6文献综述    - 2 -
    1.7 现代农药残留检测仪器分析方法    - 3 -
    1.7.1 气相色谱法(GC)    - 3 -
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