    摘要研究表明,RDX粒度越小,其摩擦感度、撞击感度越小,能量释放速率越大。当RDX纳米化之后,降感效果更明显,使用安全性能更高。本文采用HLG-5型纳米化粉碎机,通过对纳米化粉碎工艺参数进行优化,制备了粒度在50-80nm、呈类球形的纳米RDX;并研究了干燥方式对纳米RDX干燥效果的影响,确定了适用于纳米RDX干燥的特殊冷冻干燥技术;最后,本文还初步探索了含纳米RDX的PBX的配方工艺,以标准聚黑-2配方为基础,采用溶液-水悬浮法制备了纳米RDX基PBX造型粉,并对其热分解特性、撞击感度和摩擦感度进行了研究,结果表明:与纳米RDX相比,纳米RDX基聚黑-2的热分解性更稳定,撞击感度和摩擦感分别降低28.6%和8%。 22626
    关键词  纳米RDX  干燥方式  PBX  热分解特性  感度
    Title    Study on the Formula Design of Nano RDX based  Plastic  Bonded  Explosive (PBX)                                               
    Researches have shown that the impact and friction sensitivities of RDX were reduced with the decrease of the particle size. Furthermore, the energy releasing rate was enhancing with the decrease of the particle size. Especially when nano RDX particles were obtained, the sensitivities are decreased obviously. The nanometer RDX was prepared using pulverized machine HLG-5 by optimizing the nanocrystallization technological parameter. The particles were approximately spherical shape and the diameters were 50~80nm. Simultaneously the effect of drying method on the drying efficiency of the nanometer RDX was investigated. After experiment, the result was that vacuum freeze drying is the most suitable method for nanometer RDX drying. Lastly, some preliminary exploration on the technical formula of RDX-based JH-2 polymer bonded explosive (PBX) were carried out. The nanometer RDX-based JH-2 PBX was prepared using solution-water slurry technique. The thermal decomposition characteristics of nanometer RDX-based JH-2 PBX were characterized, and the impact sensitivity and the friction sensitivity were tested. Compared with the raw RDX-based JH-2 PBX, the nanometer RDX-based JH-2 PBX got a more stable thermal decomposition. The impact sensitivity and the friction sensitivity decreased 28.6% and 8% respectively.
    Keywords  nano-RDX  drying means  PBX  thermal decomposition characteristic  sensitivity
    目   次
    1   绪论    1
    1.1    背景介绍    1
    1.2 PBX 炸药的组成及分类    3
    1.3 PBX 炸药的研究进展及趋势    4
    1.4 PBX造型粉压装炸药的制备方法    5
    1.5 本文研究内容    7
    2   纳米黑索金(RDX)    7
    2.1 RDX的性质    7
    2.2 RDX纳米化粉碎机理分析    8
    2.3 RDX在不同溶剂中的溶解度    8
    2.4 实验部分    10
    2.5 球磨的结果与分析    11
    2.6 本章小结    16
    3   纳米RDX的干燥    17
    3.1 干燥方式对纳米RDX干燥效果的影响    17
    3.2 本章小结    18
    4   含纳米RDX的高分子粘结炸药初步探索    18
    4.1 PBX混合炸药的制备    18
    4.2 含纳米RDX的PBX混合炸药的制备工艺    21
    4.3 影响因素    22
    4.4 PBX炸药性能分析    24
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