    Preparation and Properties Analysis of LED Silicone Encapsulants
    Abstract:A kind of transparent and colorless hydrogen-containing silicone oil with high refractive index serving as liquid cross-linking agent for light emitting diode (LED)encapsulants was prepared by polycondensation reaction of diphenyl dimethoxy silane, phenyl trimethoxy silane and cyclic siloxane of tetramethyl tetrahydro-cyclotetrasiloxane and catalyzed by Sulfuric acid. The different blocking agents lead to different structure of hydrogen-containing silicone oil which end-of hydrogen, methyl and viny. The infrared spectrum of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer proved it. Finally,analysissing the effects of the quality of methylhydro cyclo siloxane and the blocking agent on the the refractive index and the viscosity of the hydrogen-containing silicone oil, measuring by Abbe refractometer and rotation viscometer.The results show that the refractive index of hydrogen-containing silicone oil is more than 1.52, higher than the existing hydrogen-containing silicone oil. Besides,changing the quality of methylhydro cyclo siloxane and the blocking agent can control the refractive index and the viscosity of the silicone oil to prepare hydrogen silicone oil with different properties.
    Key words:light emitting diode(LED) encapsulants; hydrogen-containing silicone oil; infrared analysis; refractive index; Dynamic viscosity
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1.    研究背景    1
    1.2.    LED灌封胶的组成    2
    1.2.1.    基础聚合物    2
    1.2.2.    交联剂    3
    1.2.3.    催化剂    3
    1.2.4.    增粘剂    3
    1.3.    LED灌封胶的性能要求    4
    1.4.    含氢硅油交联剂    5
    1.5.    国内外的发展概况及存在的问题    5
    1.5.1.    LED用有机硅灌封胶的优势    5
    1.5.2.    LED用有机硅灌封胶的发展概况    6
    1.5.3.    LED用有机硅灌封胶的发展障碍    7
    1.5.4.    LED用有机硅灌封胶的发展趋势    7
    1.6.    本课题的研究意义    7
    1.7.    本文的研究目标和要解决的问题    8
    1.8.    本文的主要内容    8
    2.    实验部分    9
    2.1.    实验原料    9
    2.2.    产品合成设备及型号信息    10
    2.3.    合成配方    10
    2.3.1.    方案一含氢硅油的配方    10
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