    Preparation and characterization of cross-linked PMMA shell paraffin microcapsule
    Abstract: Using liquid paraffin as the core material, Polymethylmethacrylate as shell material, was prepared phase change materials microcapsules by emulsion polymerization method . Using biological microscope, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR), thermogravimetric(TGA) to analysis microcapsule morphology, structure, performance. also study the effects from system concentration, types and concentration of emulsifier, types and concentration of initiator of the experiment on the paraffin / polymethylmethacrylate microcapsule rate, particle size and uniformity of impact. The results show that: within a certain range, the microcapsules what had the finer and more uniform particles were obtained by higher stirring rate and the lower the concentration system. With emulsifier mass 5% of the oil phase, the initiator mass 4% of the wall material monomer, the microcapsules obtained the highest rate, achieve to 60.12%. Contrasting BPO with AIBN as initiators, with AIBN as initiator achieved relatively uniform and small particles which average size were 1~2μm.
    Key Words:  Polymethylmethacrylate;Microcapsule;Phase change materials; Emulsion polymerization method
    1绪论    3
    1.1相变材料微胶囊的发展    3
    1.2 微胶囊技术的概念    4
    1.3 相变材料的概念    4
    1.4 微胶囊壁材的分类    5
    1.5相变材料微胶囊的制备方法    6
    1.5.1 原位聚合法    6
    1.5.2 界面聚合法    6
    1.5.3 喷雾干燥法    6
    1.5.4复凝聚法    7
    1.5.5其他制备方法    7
    1.6相变材料微胶囊制备方法的选择    7
    1.7微胶囊制备过程中的主要影响因素    8
    1.7.1 引发剂种类对聚合反应的影响    8
    1.7.2 乳化剂种类及用量对微胶囊的影响    8
    1.7.3 芯壁比对微胶囊包埋率的影响    8
    1.8 本课题研究的意义    9
    2 实验    11
    2.1 实验原料与仪器    11
    2.1.1 实验原料    11
    2.1.2 实验仪器    11
    2.2 实验原理    12
    有机相变储能微胶囊的制备    12
    2.2.1 甲基丙烯酸甲酯聚合反应原理    13
    2.3 实验方法    14
    2.3.1 MMA的精提纯    14
    2.3.2 BPO的重结晶    15
    2.3.3 AIBN的纯化    15
    2.3.4 相变材料微胶囊的制备过程    15
    2.4 研究内容    16
    2.4.1 石蜡/PMMA相变微胶囊的制备    16
    2.4.2不同乳化剂对乳化体系稳定性的影响    16
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