    Abstract: according to the requirement of the specification, the design of the annual output of 800 tons of amino resin grafted sulfonic acid resin technology was studied.Paper during the write access to a large number of literature, to understand the characteristics of the ion exchange resin, type, etc., the sulfonation process of resin, acyl chlorination process and amino process on the literature review.Determines the amino resin grafted sulfonic acid resin craft route: styrene resin sulphonation reaction with sulfuric acid to sulfonic acid resin, and then will get sulfonic acid resin and sulfoxide chloride hydrochloride.results sulfonyl chloride resin, finally will get the sulfonyl chloride resin and purchase amino resin mix reaction to get the final product - amino grafting sulfonic acid resin.
    After determined the process route, we are also must be the location of the premises, through comparison and analysis, we identified the ningbo petrochemical construction of the economic and technological development zone, as our factory location, also from the raw material sources, traffic, electric power, water supply advantages and preferential policies these a few respects was investigated.Then the factory must be an overview of the general layout.We also in the process of production of raw materials has carried on the detailed balance.Finally, the annual output of 800 tons of amino resin grafted sulfonic acid resin factory made the economic benefit analysis, profit after four years of the plant in operation.
    Keywords: Ion-exchange Resin, Sulfonation, amination, Factory site, Economic benefit
    1、绪论    2
    1.1离子交换树脂    2
    1.1.1离子交换树脂的分类    2
    1.1.2离子交换树脂载体的选择    8
    小结    9
    1.2磺化反应    9
    1.2.1磺化机理    10
    1.2.2磺化动力学    12
    1.2.3磺化热力学    13
    1.2.4磺化副产物    14
    1.2.5磺化剂的选择    14
    小结    20
    1.3磺酰氯化    20
    1.3.1反应原理    20
    1.3.2磺酰氯化试剂    21
    1.4胺基化反应    23
    1.4.1基于乙酰化的胺基化反应    23
    1.4.2基于氯甲基化的胺基化反应    25
    1.4.3 Mannich 胺化反应法    28
    1.4.4基于硝化反应的胺基化反应    30
    1.4.5国内外胺基化研究进展    31
    2、工艺流程确定    33
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