    摘要:本文通过介绍世界范围内的水资源短缺和水环境污染状况,进而提出应用中水回用技术的解决方案。在进一步研究国内外中水回用技术的研究现状及发展动态之后,发现中水回用技术应用于住宅小区对于解决小区废水污染和节约自来水等问题非常有效。本设计为南京市某居住小区中水处理工程设计,以建筑内杂排水为中水水源,处理后中水用于小区住宅内冲厕、小区公共绿地浇灌、公用道路喷洒、冲洗车辆以及景观水池补充水源。中水水源的主要污染物为 BOD、COD、SS,适宜采用生物处理方法。根据出水水质要求、通过技术经济比较,确定该设计采用MBR处理法。本设计的主要内容为:水量平衡计算;选择合理的中水处理工艺;计算出处理工艺各构筑物的基本尺寸;绘制中水处理站总平面图、高程布置图以及构筑物详图;对该处理工艺进行初步预算。26215
    Design of reclaimed water treatment engineering in a residential area in Nanjing
    Abstract:Through introducing the worldwide shortage of water resources and water environment pollution, and application of water reuse technology as a solution is put forward in this paper. After the further analysis of the domestic and foreign research status quo of water reuse technology and development trends, finding it is very effective that water reuse technology is applied in the residential area to solve community problems such as water pollution and saving water. The design of reclaimed water treatment engineering in a residential area in Nanjing is a design of mixed drainage collection and reclaimed water treatment process. Miscellaneous drainage of the building is the source of reclaimed water and the reclaimed water is used for flushing in residential area, public green land irrigating, public road spraying, vehicle washing and supplying landscape. Main pollutants in waste water are BOD, COD and SS. The drainage water is suitable for biological treatment. According to the requirement of reuse water and through technical and economic comparison, MBR process is chosen to treat the drainage water. The main contents of this design are: water balance calculation; choosing reasonable water treatment process; calculating the basic size of the structures in the process; drawing reclaimed water treatment station layout, elevation layout and detail structures ;and preliminary budget of the process.
    Key words: residential area; water reuse; miscellaneous drainage collection; MBR
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    1.总论    2
    1.1研究背景    2
        1.2中水    2
           1.2.1中水的定义及意义    2
           1.2.2中水回用的现状    2
        1.3水质水量和处理要求    3
        1.4设计依据    3
        1.5设计原则    3
    2. 设计水量的确定    3
        2.1小区回用水量的计算    3
           2.1.1 小区住宅内冲厕用水    4
           2.1.2 小区内公共绿地浇灌用水    4
           2.1.3道路喷洒用水    4
           2.1.4冲洗车辆用水    4
           2..1.5景观水池补充水源用水    4
    3.中水处理工艺比选    5
        3.1建筑小区中水处理工艺    5
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