
    摘 要: 本设计是徐州市某小区生活污水处理厂设计,其具体内容主要是关于该地区的生活污水处理的设计。



    Abstract: This graduation project is design for a sewage treatment plant of a small community in the city of XuZhou. It’s content is about projecting for life sewage treatment plant of this section.

    The water inflow of the sewage treatment plant is 3000 t/d. The sewage treatment plant adopts the SBR technics to treatment sewage. SBR(Sequencing Batch Beactor) is a kind of actived sludge process of which interval beactor is the core. Simple technological process and cost of construction are the features of SBR.Sequencing batch reactor is its main equipment,the equipment of return udge and primary settling tank is omitted.It has fl compact structure and flexibility of operation base on the basis of the amount of sewage and sewage quality.When cleaning away the organic carbon, the nitrogen and the phosphorus can remove effectively at the same time. The choice and account of building things is based with the criterion of design. This graduation project completes the calculation of the main sewage treatment buildings and related equalities; Besides, it also finished the primary economical budgetary estimation of the whole system.

    Key Words: SBR technics; Small communities; Treatment of sewage


    1  设计概况 6

    1.1  环境条件概况 6

    1.1.1  城市地理位置 6

    1.1.2  地区气象、水纹与地质等资料 6

    1.2  基本设计任务 6

    1.2.1  污水处理厂建设目标 6

    1.2.2 污水处理厂设计进出水水质及处理程度 7

    1.3  厂址选择 7

    2  工艺的选择 8

    2.1  有关小区污水的基本知识 8

    2.1.1  小区污水的特点 8

    2.1.2  小区污水处理厂设计原则 8

    2.2  活性污泥法简介 9

    2.2.1  传统活性污泥法 9

    2.2.2  多点进水活性污泥法 9

    2.2.3  完全混合活性污泥法 10

    2.2.4  氧化沟活性污泥法 10

    2.2.5  AB法 10

    2.2.6  SBR法 10

    2.2.7  其他的工艺 11

    3   SBR工艺简介 11

    3.1  概述 11

    3.1.1  SBR的工作原理 11

    3.1.2  SBR工艺的特点

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