


    毕业论文关键词:火电企业    大气污染物   污染物排放限值

    The Analysis of Standard Reach of Atmospheric Pollutants Emission in Xuzhou City State-controlled Thermal Power Plants


    The emission standard of air pollutants in thermal power plant "(GB13223-2011)  is a big challenge to the air pollution control of thermal power enterprises in Xuzhou city. In order to research the standards of atmospheric pollutants of thermal power plants in Xuzhou after the implementation of new standards,This thesis selects Xuzhou City seven key state-controlled sources of pollution of thermal power enterprises as the research object, setting up 16 monitoring sites, generating the main atmospheric pollutants of thermal power plants (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, smoke dust and mercury) as the evaluation factors, by comparison analysis between 2015 manual monitoring data and annual online monitoring data, It is found that the most of the monitoring of the pollutant discharge standards and stability. The results show that in Xuzhou City control of thermal power enterprises using bag filter and electrostatic precipitator technology can stable up to standard, the wet desulfurization process than semi dry desulfurization process more stable and standard, adopting the SCR denitration technology than low nitrogen combustion method is more easily achieved, but in Xuzhou the denitration technology still exist certain space to upgrade. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the installations of pollutants treatment and decrease the emission concentration of atmospheric pollutants, to achieve clean production and standard meeting of thermal power plants.

    Key Words: thermal power enterprise    atmospheric pollutants     the limit emission of pollutants 

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    变量注释表 V

    1 引言 1

    2研究区概况 1

    3数据来源与研究方法 2

    3.1数据来源 3

    3.2研究方法 3

    4结果分析 4

    4.1 2015年手动监测结果 4

    4.2 2015年自动监测达标情况 5

    4.3 污染物排放浓度均值与处理工艺关系 6


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