    关键词  大豆蛋白塑料  甘油  聚乙二醇400  三乙醇胺
    Title  Study on plasticity of soy protein plastics         
    As a renewable biopolymer, soy protein has been considered as an alternative to solve serious environmental pollution, due to its poorer processability, soy protein plastics do not show satisfactory mechanical properties and water resistance, hence, efforts like plasticizers have been made to improve the processability. In this work, glycerol, glycerol/triethanolamine (TEA), glycerol/polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG400) plasticized soy proteins were prepared. Influences of different plasticizer types and contents on the structure and properties of the resulting plastics were investigated using water absorption test, FT-IR, TGA, and mechanical tests. Through the experiment, we concluded that as the glycerol content increased, soy protein plastics exhibited lower the tensile strength and higher elongation at break; Glycerol/TEA plasticized soy protein plastics possessed higher water absorption, similar tensile strength and lower elongation at break compared to glycerol plasticized soy protein plastics;  Glycerol/PEG400 plasticized soy protein plastics have lower water absorption, higher tensile strength and lower elongation at break compared to glycerol plasticized soy protein plastics.
    Keywords  Soy protein plastics  glycerin  PEG400  TEA
    1绪论    1
    1.1大豆蛋白塑料的研究状况    1
    1.3 大豆蛋白塑料的应用    4
    1.4本课题的研究意义与研究内容    4
    2大豆蛋白塑料的制备    6
    2.1实验仪器设备及材料    6
    2.1.1 实验仪器    6
    2.2.实验方法和内容    7
    2.3表征方法    8
    3实验结果与讨论    10
    3.1增塑剂含量对吸水率、可溶物损失率的影响    10
    3.2大豆蛋白塑料红外谱图谱    12
    3.3热重分析    16
    3.4 大豆蛋白塑料力学分析    18
    4结论    20
    致谢    21
    参考文献    22
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