
    摘要: 随着社会的进步,聚氨酯泡沫塑料的应用越来越广,用量也越来越大。因此大量的废弃聚氨酯泡沫塑料需要回收处理。本文论述的回收的方法有物理回收法、能量回收法以及化学回收法。物理回收法是利用粘结、热压、挤出成型等方法使PU废弃物回收利用,也包括通过粉碎的方法将PU废料粉碎成细片或粉末作为填料。能量回收法可以通过燃烧聚氨酯获得大量热能。根据降解剂的种类和降解条件 ,化学降解方法可以分为醇解法、胺解法、醇胺法、磷酸酯法、碱解法、水解法、氨解法、热解法、氢解法等等。本文主要对聚氨酯泡沫塑料的化学降解机理进行论述54483


    Abstract: Along with the progress of the society, more and more wide application of polyurethane foam, the amount is also growing. Therefore the need of large waste polyurethane foam plastics recycling. Method of recovering the physical recovery, energy recovery method and chemical recycling method Physical recycling method is the use of adhesive, hot pressing, extrusion molding and other methods to make PU waste recycling, including through the crushing method will PU waste crushed into fragments or powder as filler. Energy recovery method can obtain a large amount of heat energy by burning polyurethane.Depending on the type and degrading conditions of degradation agents, chemical degradation method can be pided into an alcohol solution, the amine solution, alcohol amine method, phosphate, alkaline solution, hydrolysis, ammonia solution, pyrolysis, hydrogen solution and so on. This paper focuses on the chemical degradation mechanisms are discussed polyurethane foam.

    Keywords: polyurethane (PU), chemical degradation, reutilization


    1 前言 4

    2 聚氨酯泡沫塑料 5

    2.1 聚氨酯泡沫塑料的结构及性能特点 5

    2.2 聚氨酯泡沫塑料的用途 6

    3 聚氨酯泡沫塑料的回收利用 7

    3.1 聚氨酯泡沫材料回收的用意 7

    3.1.1 物理回收法 7

    3.1.2 能量回收法 7

    3.1.3 化学回收法 8

    4 聚氨酯的化学降解 8

    4.1 聚氨酯泡沫塑料的化学降解原理 8

    4.2不同结构聚氨酯的降解机理 8

    4.2.1 二元醇结构对聚氨酯降解性的影响 8

    4.2.2 聚酯多元醇对聚氨酯降解性的影响 8

    4.2.3 异氰酸酯结构对聚氨酯降解性的影响 9

    4.3 聚氨酯的化学降解方法简述 9

    4.3.1 醇解法 10

    4.3.2 氨解法 10

    4.3.3 碱降解法 11

    4.3.4 胺解法 11

    4.3.5 水解法 11

    4.3.6 磷酸酯法 12

    4.3.7 热解法 12

    4.3.8 加氢裂解法 13

    4.3.9 醇胺法 13

    结论 14

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16

    1 前言

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