    摘要本文研究了三种典型盐溶液(NaCl、NaNO3、MgCl2)中PDMDAAC分子形态。经过沉淀分级,得到重均相对分子质量Mw为3.839×104~7.624×105,分散指数PDI为1.5以下的4个系列的PDMDAAC样品,采用GPC-MALLS分析方法对其分子形态和尺寸进行分析研究。PDMDAAC样品的相对分子质量和均方根旋转半径随着特征黏度值的下降而减小;在同一浓度盐溶液(0.5M NaCl)中,相对分子质量越大(PDM1:Mw=7.624×105),A2越大(A2=0.0044);同一样品PDM2(Mw=1.358×105)在同一种盐溶液(NaCl)中,一定范围内随着盐溶液浓度从0.05M增加到0.2M的增加,A2也随之从0.0017 nm2•mol•g-1增加到0.0067 nm2•mol•g-1;在三种盐溶液中只有0.2M与0.5M的NaCl溶液是样品PDM2的良溶剂;0.5M的NaCl溶液是样品PDM1的良溶剂。以上结果表明,PDMDAAC是典型的聚电解质,其盐溶液的浓度和性质直接影响到其在溶液中的分子形态和尺寸。28892
    关键词:  PDMDAAC  聚电解质 水溶液 GPC-MALLS  分子形态 尺寸
    Title    Preliminary Study of Molecular Dimension of PDMDAAC in Salt Solution                     
    This thesis researched into the typical shape of PDMPAAC molecule in three different type salt solutions(NaCl、NaNO3、MgCl2),intended to give the influence of the molecular shape by the type and concentration of salt solution Four serial PDMDAAC samples were gained, which the  Mw ranged from 3.839×104 to 7.624×105 and the PDI<1.5. The GPC-MALLS was used to analyze the molecular shape and size of PDMDAAC sample with different relative molecular mass. From the analysis results of GPC-MALLS, the relative molecular mass and the root mean square ratio of gyration of PDMDAAC sample declined as the intrinsic viscosity value decreased. In solutions with same concentration(0.5 M NaCl), the larger the relative molecular mass was (PDM1, Mw=1.358×105), the greater the nonperturbed size was(A2=0.0044). Within certain range and in the same salt solution of PDM2 sample(Mw=1.358×105), the nonperturbed size increased from 0.0017 nm2•mol•g-1 to 0.0067 nm2•mol•g-1 as the concentration increased gradually from 0.05M to 0.2M NaCl solution of concentration of 0.2M and 0.5M was the good solvent for PDM2 sample. And NaCl solution of concentration of 0.5M was the good solvent for PDM1. The results showed that PDMDAAC is a typical polyelectrolyte, and the concentration and property of solution directly affect its molecular shape and size in solution.
    Key words: PDMDAAC, polyelectrolyte, solution, GPC-MALLS, molecular, molecular dimension
    目   次
    1    引言    1
    1.1    聚电解质及其溶液中的状态    1
    1.2    PDMDAAC的结构与性质    1
    1.2.1    结构性状    2
    1.2.2    性质及用途    2
    1.3    PDMDAAC的溶液性质研究    3
    1.3.1    黏度行为研究    3
    1.3.2    溶液行为研究    4
    1.4    存在问题    5
    1.5    课题内容及意义    5
    2    实验原理    5
    2.1    沉淀分级原理    5
    2.2    GPC-MALLS测定原理    6
    2.2.1    GPC    6
    2.2.2    MALLS    7
    3    实验方案设计    8
    4    实验部分    9
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