    Annual Output of 1000 Tons of Biaxial Oriented Polypropylene Film Workshop Process Design
    Abstract: This topic is the annual output of 1000 tons of biaxial oriented polypropylene film workshop process design. Biaxial oriented polypropylene film is a kind of common plastic film, is important in the field of packaging products, light, transparent, non-toxic, moisture, low permeability, high mechanical strength, have the laudatory title of "packing the queen", biaxial oriented are the most common production methods. Biaxial oriented the material after drying, extrusion, casting slice, longitudinal extension and transverse stretching, heat treatment, each production process of winding process. The difficulty of this subject is to production equipment, selected the bidirectional tensile equipment is the most complicated in plastic film production method, need to include extrusion equipment, casting equipment, tensile equipment, etc. Also need attention is the production of temperature control, and draw ratio control, these factors will directly or indirectly affect the nature of the film. Design the work mainly include instructions and workshop layout.
    Key Words:    Biaxial oriented; Polypropylene; Plastic film; Extrusion process; Drawing process
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    概述    1
    1.1    设计项目    1
    1.2    BOPP的用途    2
    1.3    我国BOPP的市场前景    2
    2    厂址选择    3
    2.1    基本原则    3
    2.2    厂址说明    3
    2.2.1    上海市星火开发区    3
    2.2.2    浙江省义乌市义东工业园区    4
    2.2.3    广东省新会今古洲工业开发区    4
    2.3    比较选择    5
    3    总平面设计    6
    3.1    概述    6
    3.2    厂区总平面布置    6
    3.2.1    布置原则    6
    3.2.2    厂区布置图    7
    4    工艺设计概论    8
    4.1    生产方法和工艺流程的选择    8
    4.2    工艺流程图    9
    4.3    生产工艺    9
    4.3.1    原料的分筛输送    10
    4.3.2    原料及配料混合    12
    4.3.3    分离原材料中的金属杂质    13
    4.3.4    原料干燥处理    14
    4.3.5    挤出-铸片工艺    14
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