    摘要采用共轭静电纺丝技术同高温烧结技术相结合,成功制得SnO2纳米纤文膜和肩并肩结构的SnO2/C复合纳米纤文膜。SnO2纳米纤文由SnO2纳米颗粒组成,各颗粒间具有多孔疏松结构。煅烧温度越高,SnO2晶体结构越完整,晶粒尺寸越大,实验制备的晶粒尺寸在10nm左右。经900℃煅烧后2h后,纤文直径收缩44%,接触角测试表明,该SnO2纳米纤文膜具有强的亲水性。循环伏安(CV)测试及恒流充放电测试表明,经1100℃碳化形成的SnO2/C复合纳米纤文膜的电容量高于900℃碳化时的电容量。在900℃及1100℃碳化温度下制得的复合纳米纤文膜比电容分别为54 F/g、83F/g,ESR值为220Ω、80Ω,均体现了碳化温度越高,SnO2/C复合纳米纤文膜的电学性能越优。33632
    关键词  静电纺丝  SnO2纳米纤文膜  SnO2/C复合纳米纤文膜  碳化温度
    Title  Preparation and electrochemical properties of nano-composite  electrospun fiber membranes                                 
    SnO2 nanofiber membranes and SnO2/C composite nanofiber membranes with a side by side structure were prepared by using conjugate electrospinning technique combined with high-temperature sintering technology.SnO2 nanofiber membranes was composed of SnO2 nanoparticles with unconsolidated porous structure.The higher the calcining temperature, the more complete SnO2 crystal structure and the larger the grain size, around about 10nm.After calcination at 900 ℃ for 2h,the fiber diameter shrinkage of 44% ,while the contact angle measurements show that the SnO2 nanofiber membranes has a strong hydrophilic.Cyclic voltammetry (CV) tests and constant current charge-discharge tests showed that the capacitance of SnO2/C composite nanofiber membranes by 1100℃ carbonized greater than the capacitance of 900℃ carbonized when.Carbonization temperature at 1100 ℃ prepared composite nanofiber membranes specific capacitance was 83F/g and ESR values was 80Ω while at the temperature of 900℃ the specific capacitance was 54F/g and ESR values was 220Ω.All of these are reflected that the higher carbonization temperature, the electrical properties of SnO2/C composite nanofiber membranes were more excellent.
    Keywords  Electrospinning  SnO2 nanofiber membranes  SnO2/C composite nanofiber membranes   Carbonization temperature
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  静电纺丝技术    1
    1.3  SnO2纳米纤文    6
    1.4  SnO2/C复合纳米纤文    6
    1.5  研究目的及内容    7
    2  SnO2纳米纤文膜的制备及表征    8
    2.1  引言    8
    2.2  实验部分    8
    2.3  结果与讨论    11
    2.4  本章小结    17
    3  SnO2/C复合纳米纤文膜的制备及电容性研究    18
    3.1  引言    18
    3.2  实验部分    18
    3.3  结果与讨论    20
    3.4  本章小结    24
    结论    25
    致谢    26
    参考文献    27
    1  绪论
    1.1  引言
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