


    Study on MoS2-Ni Composite Electroplating Process

    Abstract: With the development of industrial science and technology in recent decades, many artificial processes have been basically replaced by machines. Although this has promoted the improvement of production efficiency, people have invested a lot of money each year to replace or because of friction and damaged parts, so the researchers have been looking for a certain degree of lubrication of its own self-lubricating material to replace the traditional lubricating materials. The formation and development of composite electroplating just for the scientists to solve this problem, people can get through the composite plating with a special nature of the composite coating, nickel-based molybdenum disulfide composite coating is a kind of self-lubricating materials. This article mainly discusses the preparation of nickel-based molybdenum disulfide composite materials. In this paper, the factors influencing the formation of MoS2 and Ni composite electroplating are studied, and the optimum process conditions are found. The results show that the thickness and mass of the composite coating and the solid of molybdenum disulfide in the ordinary nickel plating solution The distribution of microparticles was affected by the factors such as plating time, current density and burial method. It was also found that the composite coating had the best quality when the current time was 2 hours and the current density was 0.25A / dm2.

    Keywords:Ni;MoS2;Composite plating


    1 绪论 1

     1.1二硫化钼概述 1

      1.1.1二硫化钼的晶体结构 1

      1.1.2二硫化钼的理化性质 1

      1.1.3二硫化钼的制备方法 2

      1.1.4二硫化钼的应用 4

     1.2复合电镀的简介 6

      1.2.1复合电镀概述 6

      1.2.2复合电镀机理 7

      1.2.3复合电镀的工艺流程 8

      1.2.4复合镀层的应用 10

    2 实验部分 12

     2.1实验流程 12

     2.2实验原料和仪器 12

      2.2.1实验试剂 12

      2.2.2实验仪器 13

     2.3 原理

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