





    毕业论文关键词  半导体桥,Al/CuO,安全性能


    Title      The safety capability of the Al/CuO composite SCB  in constant current excitation                                           


    In this paper, by testing Al/CuO compound semiconductor bridge(SCB) change the performance of the ignition after electrostatic discharge, analyzes the Al/CuO compound SCB electrostatic protective effect,as well as tested 1A1W5min experiments and constant excitation temperature changes, to determine whether a good anti-RF, resistance to stray current and provide a quantitative basis for its safety performance studies.

    The study found:

    (1) Under the military standard (500pF, 5kΩ, 25kV) , six kinds of Al / CuO compound SCB no outbreak, illustrate Al / CuO compound SCB has some antistatic properties. While in the U.S. military standard (500pF, 500Ω, 25kV) condition, only the 3rd and the 5th Al / CuO compound SCB can through electrostatic discharge experiments. 

    (2) After 1A1W5min experiment, Al/CuO compound SCB not changes, illustrate Al / CuO compound SCB has good resistance to RF and anti-stray current.

    (3) Researched constant current temperature of six kinds of Al / CuO compound SCB, only the 1st bridge broke out, and several other bridge-type SCB were not exploded, and the temperatures are rising tends to a certain value. Illustrate except the 1st bridge, several other Al / CuO compound SCB has a better safety performance.

    Keywords:  Semiconductor Bridge   Al/CuO   Safety performance

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  半导体桥火工品的作用机理 2

    1.3   国内外研究现状 2

    1.3.1  国外研究现状 2

    1.3.2  国内研究现状 4

    1.4  本文主要研究内容 5

    2  Al/CuO复合半导体桥静电安全性能研究 6

    2.1  静电放电损伤失效机理及危害 6

    2.2  Al/CuO复合半导体桥静电性能测试

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