





    Title  Electrophoretic Deposition of Al / CuO composites                                       


    This article prepared Al/CuO composites with electrophoretic deposition, and studied its deposition parameterss. Two kinds of cathode electrodes are prepared, respectively, for the silver inkjet printing substrate slides and graphics inversion process for preparing platinum substrate slide preparation techniques.

    Firstly, the conductive silver wires were used as the cathode to test the feasibility of electrophoretic deposition and the deposition conditions, as well as its impact factors. Secondly, the platinum electrode is used as a cathode for the electrophoretic deposition of Al/CuO. Then, Al/CuO energetic films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Afterwards, using the high speed camera to research the burning phenomenon of Al/CuO films preliminarily. Lastly, by attempting to prepare a particular shape or thickness of Al/CuO energetic films, they are used to study the combustion and decomposition reaction characteristics under micro scales.

    By electrophoretic deposition experiment, the feasibility of electrophoretic deposition is accepted, and the experimental conditions adopted in subsequent experiments are determined, too.

    Key word:  electrophoretic deposition, Al/CuO composite films, characterization


    1 绪论 1

    1.1纳米铝热剂国内外研究情况 1

    1.2 电泳沉积技术研究现状 2

    1.3本文主要研究内容 2

    2 纳米Al/CuO复合薄膜的制备 3

    2.1纳米Al/CuO薄膜制备原理 3

    2.2 阴极基底制备工艺 6

    2.2.1 银基底制备工艺 6

    2.2.2铂基底制备工艺 8

    2.3实验装置与材料 14

    2.3.1纳米Al/CuO薄膜制备装置 14

    2.3.2燃烧试验装置 15

    2.3.3药品参数 16

    2.4薄膜制备相关数据计算 16

    2.5 纳米Al/CuO薄膜制备工艺流程 17

    3电泳沉积制备纳米Al/CuO薄膜条件的测试 19

    3.1超声时间研究 19


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