


    毕业论文关键词:电镀  制氢  三维网状  三元合金 

    Preparation and properties of a novel three dimensional network structure FeCoNi three element alloy for hydrogen production


    The experimental study was made on the preparation of a new three-dimensional network structure of FeCoNi three alloy catalyst for hydrogen production and the performance of the catalyst in the process of hydrogen production. In order to find out the optimal electroplating conditions, the effects of different plating solution temperature, current density, plating time and plating solution concentration on the catalyst preparation were studied. Through the experiment find that when the electroplating solution concentration of CoCl2 is 40g / L, FeSO4 concentration is 30g / L, the concentration of NiCl2 is 20g / L, the concentration of H3BO3 is 30g / L, electroplating environment for 20 minutes of electroplating time, 40℃ temperature of the electroplating solution, 1.0A /cm2 current density, the hydrogen result is the best.

    Keywords: Electroplate  Hydrogen production 3D mesh  Three element alloy

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1绪论 1

    1.1氢能 1

    1.2制氢技术发展 1

    1.3金属催化剂 2

    1.4电镀 2

    2实验 4

    2.1 实验材料 4

    2.2 实验仪器 4

    2.3 实验 4

    3.催化剂制氢性能实验研究 8

    3.1制氢测试方法 8

    3.2制氢实验具体步骤 9

    3.3电镀条件不同对催化剂制氢的影响 9

    4.表征 19

    4.1 SEM 19

    4.2 EDX 19

    5结论 23

    5.1实验结论 23

    5.2关于未来氢能源的想法 24

    参考文献 25

    致谢 26


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图2-1 电镀装置示意图 6

    图2-2 电镀前 7

    图2-3 电镀后 7

    图3-1 催化制氢实验装置示意图

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