    Molecular simulation of acetylcholinesterase
    Abstract:The combination of computer technology and biology to human bring important contribution, simulated expected new biological structure also becomes one of important hot topic in the field of academics. In this paper, we mainly studied the acetycholinesterase molecular simulation, with the aid of computer and computer algorithms to simulate the protein molecule configuration,using the method of the homology modeling obtained sequence consistency in 98.6%, and molecular docking, studied simulation of rthe acetycholinesterase inhibitors with Tacrine and Rivastigmine, based on the simulation results found there no hydrogen bond interaction between protein molecules and Rivastigmine, but 199GLU acid interact with Tacrine inhibitors have, think this inhibitor combined with the GUL can inhibit the activity of acetylcholinesterase. So we can prove acetylcholinesterase molecular simulation of the molecular structure of the favorable configurations is reasonable.
    Keyword:acetylcholinesterase; homology modeling; molecular docking; inhibitors 
    绪论    5
    第1章 研究内容介绍    6
    1.1 酯酶    6
    1.1.1 乙酰胆碱酯酶的介绍    7
    1.1.2 乙酰胆碱酯酶底物抑制剂介绍    9
    1.1.3 乙酰胆碱酯酶的相关测试及其应用    10
    1.2 分子模拟    10
    1.2.1 分子模拟常用软件    11
    1.2.2 同源建模    11
    1.2.3 分子对接    13
    1.3分子模拟的应用    15
    第2章 乙酰胆碱酯酶的分子模拟    16
    2.1 乙酰胆碱酯酶的同源建模    16
    2.1.1 同源建模    16
    2.1.2 构建小分子模型    20
    2.2 乙酰胆碱酯酶的分子对接    21
    2.2.1 分子结构优化    21
    2.2.2分子对接    21
    第3章 分析与结果    23
    3.1 分析    23
    3.2 结果    23
    3.2.1 同源建模-结果    23
    3.2.2 分子对接-结果    24
    致谢    26
    参考文献    27
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