


    ABSTRACT:The design of the process route is based on citric acid, n-butanol, acetic anhydride as raw materials, production of non-toxic amino acid as catalyst plasticizer ATBC. Divided esterification, alcohol, acetylation, deacidification, seven step neutralization and separation, washing and separating and drying and bleaching, etc., by material balance, heat balance, etc., to determine the amount of material in and out of each stage, and thereby determining the amount of consumption, at the same time the equipment selection, pipeline design. This design, production technology to overcome the long period in the past, conversion rate, the reaction was a complex process, sulfuric acid corrosion of equipment and other shortcomings, and acetyl tributyl citrate higher total yield.

    Keywords:plasticizer, Tributyl citrate esters, Acetyl Tri-n-Butyl Citrate, process

    1  引言 3

    2  物料及能量衡算 4

    2.1  基本工艺过程 4

    2.2  工艺数据 5

    2.3  物料衡算 7

    2.4  各个工序物料衡算 8

    2.5  总物料平衡 15

    2.6  能量衡算 15

    3  设备设计 24

    3.1  正丁醇原料贮槽 24

    3.2  酯化阶段 25

    3.3  正丁醇输送泵 26

    3.4  废水贮罐 26

    3.5  脱醇阶段 26

    3.6  正丁醇回收罐 34

    3.7  乙酰化阶段 34

    3.8  脱酸阶段 35

    3.9  乙酰柠檬酸三丁酯计量罐 40

    3.10  成品ATBC贮罐 40

    结论 41

    参考文献 42

    致谢 43

    附录1 44

    附录2 45

     1  引言

    乙酰柠檬酸三丁酯的学名:2-乙酰基-丙烷-1,2,3-三羟酸丁酯,英文名称Acetyl Tri-n-Butyl Citrate, 简称:ATBC,分子式:C20H34O8,分子量:402.472,为无色或微黄色油状液体,相对密度1.046(25℃),粘度:0.0427Pa·s(25℃),凝固点:-80℃,沸点:173℃(133.3Pa)、343℃(101324.72Pa),闪点(开杯法):20℃,折射率:1.4408(25.5℃),挥发速度:0.000009g/(cm2·h)(105℃),水解速度<0.1%(100℃,6h)[1]。在水中溶解度<0.002g/100cm3(25℃),溶解于多数有机溶剂,与多种纤维素、乙烯基树脂、氯化橡胶等相溶,也与醋酸纤维素、醋酸丁酯纤维素部分相溶[2]。

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