    毕业论文关键词: 微胶囊;聚苯乙烯;相变材料
     Preparation and characterization of paraffin phase change microcapsule in polystyrene
    Abstract: A phase change microcapsule was prepared by suspension polymerization method using paraffin wax, polystyrene as the core material and shell material, respectively.The distribution shell structure and the thermal properties of the microcapsule were investigated by FT-IR and TG.This paper discusses the emulsion of liquid paraffin,  reaction temperature and reaction time effect of the production of microcapsules, the embedding rate, embedding efficiency.Experimental results show that the microcapsules uniform particle size, good thermal stability, embedding and embedding efficiency is relatively high rate, the reaction conditions are as follows, , the ratio of core material and wall material is 1:1, The temperature of reaction was 85 ℃, the time of reaction was 6 hours. By the data statistics analysis results that the maximum characterize embedded microcapsules was 50.42%,efficiency of embedding was 83.40%. Obtained by thermal gravimetric analyzer microcapsules have good thermal stability below 170 ℃,the embedding rate is highest, the embedding efficiency is the largest.
    Key Words:microcapsule; phase change material; polystyrene
      目  录
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  相变材料    1
    1.1.1  相变材料概述    1
    1.1.2  相变材料分类    1
    1.1.3  相变材料的研究现状    2
    1.2  微胶囊技术及其发展    2
    1.2.1  微胶囊技术的概述    2
    1.3  微胶囊相变材料(MCPCM)    3
    1.3.1  微胶囊相变材料定义及其分类    3
    1.3.2  微胶囊相变材料的特性    4
    1.3.3  微胶囊相变材料制备方法    4
    1.4  苯乙烯和聚苯乙烯    5
    1.4.1  苯乙烯    5
    1.4.2  聚苯乙烯    6
    1.5 本课题的内容及意义    6
    2 分析    7
    2.1  实验原理    7
    2.2  实验原料及仪器    7
    2.2.1  实验原料    7
    2.2.2  实验仪器    7
    3 设计    8
    3.1  实验准备    8
    3.1.1  AIBN的纯化    8
    3.1.2  苯乙烯去阻聚剂    8
    3.2  实验方法    8
    3.3  实验内容    9
    3.3.1  芯壁比对微胶囊制备的影响    9
    3.3.2  反应温度对微胶囊制备的影响    10
    3.3.3  反应预聚时间对微胶囊制备的影响    11
    3.3.4  反应时间对微胶囊制备的影响    11
    3.4  微胶囊的测试及表征    12
    3.4.1  Fourier红外光谱仪    12
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