    摘要:本文通过脉冲电沉积方法在高温镍合金基底上分别制备出Ni-Mo-Al-RE(Ce、La、Dy、Sm、Gd、Er、Y、Pr、Nd)镀层,研究了稀土离子浓度(Ce3+、La3+、Dy3+ 、Sm3+、Gd3+、Er3+、Y3+、Pr3+、Nd3+)对Ni-Mo-Al-RE镀层Ni、Mo、Al、RE含量的影响。分别用扫描电子显微镜、电子能谱仪对所得镀层的表面形貌、成分进行表征和分析。38734
    Preparation and characterization of Ni-Mo-Al-RE coating
    Abstract: This papper introduced that the Ni-Mo-Al-RE (Ce, La, Dy, Sm, Gd, Er, Y, Pr, Nd) coating were prepared on the bond coating by the method of pulsed electrodeposition,Then study the effects of rare earth ion concentration (Ce3+,La3+,Dy3+ ,Sm3+,Gd3,Er3+,Y3+, Pr3+,Nd3+) on the Ni, Mo, Al, RE content of Ni-Mo-Al-RE coating. At the same time, the surface morphology, composition, phase structure, thermal expansion coefficient were characterized and analyzed by the SEM, EXD, XRD, thermal expansion coefficient.
    According to the analysis of the effect of different concentration of rare earth on the content of Ni-Mo-Al-RE, change regulation of content of Mo and Al elements is same, besides the content of Mo increases with the increase of Al content, and decreases with the decrease of the Al content; the Ni content decreased with increase of Al content, decreased with increasing Al content.
     SEM results indicated that the Ni-Mo-Al coating with no added rare earth has slight crack, and the surface crack of the Ni-Mo-Al-RE coating of the rare earth is disappeared without the crack of the Ni-Mo-Al coating, but the nodulations having different sizes of the particle still coexist, and the surface is irregularities. Different coatings have different surface nodulation. According to descending, the result is as follows: Ni-Mo-Al-Dy, Ni-Mo-Al-Er, Ni-Mo-Al-Ce, Ni-Mo-Al-Gd, Ni-Mo-Al-Sm, Ni-Mo-Al-Nd, Ni-Mo-Al-Y, Ni-Mo-Al-Pr, Ni-Mo-Al-La.
    EDX results shows that compared to the Ni-Mo-Al coating, the Ni content of Ni-Mo-Al-RE plating were reduced , and the Ni-Mo-Al-Er coatings is the lowest, the Ni content is 33.64%, reduced relatively 45.20%. At the same time, compared to the Ni-Mo-Al coating, the Mo content of Ni-Mo-Al-RE plating were increased , and the Ni-Mo-Al-Dy coatings is the highest, the Ni content is 40.95%, reduced relatively 22.49%. Compared to the Ni-Mo-Al coating, the Al content of Ni-Mo-Al-RE plating were increased , and the Ni-Mo-Al-La coatings is the highest, the Ni content is 8.28%, reduced relatively 7.96%.
    Keywords: pulse electrodeposited; rare earth; Al; thermal expansion coefficient
    目  录
    1 引言    1
     1.1  热障涂层    1
      1.1.1  热障涂层简介    1
      1.1.2  Al在粘结层中的应用    2
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