    An annual output of 42,000 tons of caustic soda electrolysis production of chlorine treatment step preliminary design
    Abstract: Chlorine, chemical formula Cl₂, molecular weight 70.906, at normal temperature and pressure, chlorine is yellow-green, with a strong pungent odor toxic gases. Chlorine on human respiratory organs has a strong irritant, but also lethal when inhaled too much. Chlorine density than air, the air is about 2.5 times. Chlorine can dissolve in water, but solubility is not, the higher the temperature the smaller chlorine in water solubility. Chlorine dissolved in water reacts with water while hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid, chlorine and therefore has a very strong resistance. Chlorine in carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, a solvent such as greater solubility than the solubility in water at about 20 times. In the industrial use of chlorine in carbon tetrachloride greater solubility of this feature, with carbon tetrachloride chlorine alkali plant to absorb all the waste generated, and then the desorption recycling chlorine. The use of chlorine is very extensive, important uses such as: disinfection, bleaching and pulp, metallurgy, manufacture of inorganic chlorides, manufacture of organic chlorides and organic matter.
    Salt electrolysis of caustic soda, chlorine, hydrogen, in all sectors of the national economy are required, except in the chemical industry itself, there is light industry, textiles, petrochemicals, non-ferrous metal smelting and utilities are great uses As a basic chemical raw materials "three di base", the hydrochloric acid caustic soda accounted for two of them, and chlorine and hydrogen can be further processed into a number of chemical products. So chlor-alkali industry and related products in almost all areas of the national economy and people's lives.
    In addition to the characteristics of the chlor-alkali industry, raw materials, birth process is short, the main there are three outstanding issues: energy consumption; the balance chlorine and alkali; corrosion and contamination.
    Keywords: chlorine processing; Process design; Equipment and selection  
    1 课题研究的目的和意义    1
    1.1 氯气    1
    1.2 氯碱工业在国民经济中的地位    1
    1.3 氯碱工业的特点    1
    2 氯气处理的任务和方法    2
    3 工艺流程简介    3
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