    An annual output of 6.5 tons of synthetic ammonia CO conversion section Process Preliminary Design
    Abstract: Aiming at a high ammonia system CO content in the crude gas, steam to carbon ratio is low characteristics were CO conversion process design and optimization. In order to achieve the set paragraphs export volume fraction of CO shift converter design specifications, we proposed two replenishment (Adm) program, and from the balance temperature, meth nation side reaction and transformation furnace outlet CO content aspects were compared, the final optimized from the process and make the steam quantity, determine a reasonable economical process scheme can achieve the expected indicators.
    Consulting relevant literature and data, design with an annual output of 6.5 million tons of synthetic ammonia plant ammonia synthesis section process. And with the help of CAD drawing of the process piping and instrument flow diagram and layout of equipment. At the end of the process of the material balance, energy balance, and according to the design task and operation temperature and pressure according to the relevant standards of the pipeline size and material selection.
    Keywords: moisture ratio, the furnace becomes low variable furnace, waste heat boiler, the primary heat exchanger, thermostat water heater, low temperature shift furnace, waste heat boiler in change.

    目  录
    年产6.5吨合成氨CO变换工段工艺初步设计    2
    1 前    言    5
    1.1 工艺原理    5
    工艺条件平衡而言,加压并无好处。但从动力学角度,加压可提高反应速率。从能量消耗上看,加压也是有利[4]。由于干原料气摩尔数小于干变换气的摩尔数,所以,    6
    1.1.1压力:    6
    1.1.2温度:    6
    1.1.3水汽比    6
    1.2工艺条件    6
    1.3主要设备的选择说明    8
    1.3.1对本设计评述    8
    2 变换工段物料及热量衡算    9
    2.1 中温变换物料衡算及热量衡算    9
    2.1.1 确定转化气组成    9
    2.1.2 水汽比的确定:    9
    2.1.3 中变炉一段催化床层的物料衡算    10
    2.1.4 中变炉一段催化床层的热量衡算    12
    2.1.5中变炉催化剂平衡曲线    14
    2.1.6 最佳温度曲线的计算    15
    2.1.8 中间冷淋过程的物料和热量衡算:    16
    2.1.9 中变炉二段催化床层的物料衡算:    18
    2.1.10 中变炉二段催化床层的热量衡算    19
    2.2 低变炉的物料与热量计算    20
    2.2.1 已知条件:    20
    2.2.2 低变炉的物料衡算    21
    2.2.3 低变炉的热量衡算:    21
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