    关键词  壬基酚  磁性分子印迹聚合物  高效液相色谱法 检测
    Title    Enrichment And Analysis of Nonylphenol in Water                    
    In this paper, Nonylphenol(NP) was enriched using magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer (M-MIP) and was detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). First, the operating conditions of enrichment were optimized, including temperature, enrichment time, salting-out effect and pH. The related testing conditions of HPLC were tested, including the injection volume, the proportion of the mobile phase and column temperature. And the results showed that the best conditions were 25℃ of  enrichment temperature, 300 min of enrichment time , 300mg/L of the concentration of sodium chloride and pH=6.HPLC conditions for injection volume were 150μL, mobile phase of methanol: water =9:1 and column temperature was 25 ℃. The detection limit was 0.285mg/L, precision (RSD, n=7of 1mg/L, 20mg/L, 50mg/L) were 2.53%, 1.16% and 2.33% respectively, spiked recovery of M-MIP in water was 90% ~120% and spiked recovery of M-NIP in water is 60% ~100%.
    Then the method was used to determine NP in water samples collected from river and lake. The results showed that the spiked recovery of M-MIP was 94.0%~98.2%, the spiked recovery of M-NIP was 61.2%~92.4%。
    Keywords  Nonylphenol(NP)  HPLC  M-MIP  Determination
    1 引言    1
    1.1课题研究的目的、意义及背景    1
    1.2壬基酚的富集和检测方法的研究进展    1
    1.3研究工作的主要内容    3
    2 理论部分    5
    2.1磁性分子印迹聚合物    5
    2.2高效液相色谱法    6
    3 实验部分    7
    3.1实验试剂和仪器设备    7
    3.1.1实验试剂    7
    3.1.2实验设备    7
    3.1.3标准系列溶液的制备    8
    3.2水样的采集和保存    8
    3.3样品的预处理    8
    3.4高效液相色谱条件的确定    9
    3.4.1流动相比例的确定    9
    3.4.2柱温的选择    9
    3.4.3进样量的影响    9
    3.4.4初始浓度的影响    9
    3.5富集条件的确定    9
    3.5.1富集温度的选择    9
    3.5.2盐析效应的影响    9
    3.5.3 pH对实验的影响    10
    3.5.4富集时间的影响    10
    3.5.5洗脱时间的影响    10
    4 实验结果与讨论    11
    4.1M-MIP的SEM图    11
    4.2实验条件可能性的讨论    11
    4.2.1壬基酚的紫外吸收图    11
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