    Preparation of nanoparticles of Chitosan and its targeting of donkey-hide gelatin refining
    Abstract:Because of superparamagnetic polymer microspheres with outstanding environmental performance and controllability, which in recent years has been received hurge attentions from people all over the world. In these superparamagnetic polymer microspheres, representative of magnetic Chitosan microspheres and its environmental protection, toxic, readily biodegradable and other features have been widely used in many fields such as medicine. In a large number of tests and studies, Chitosans are often be prepared as microspheres, in this carrier coated medicine, the delivery system of this sustained-release drug, which has a smaller diameter, usually has micro-nano level.
    Donkey-hide gelatin now has over than 2000 years of Chinese history, together with ginseng, deer horn  and aweto known as the "four treasures of traditional Chinese medicine". Donkey-hide gelatin sweet, flat, and run drug, into the liver, kidneys and lungs. Medicinal tonic liangyi, with nourishing yin and supplementing blood, moistening Hemostatic function. Blood effective, good at treating various disorders caused by deficiency.
     This paper studies of Chitosan nanoparticles preparation, target of the donkey-hide gelatin preparation and characterization of Chitosan nanoparticles and the best ratio of content.
    The best reaction condition of this experiment is: mass ratio between Chitosan and Nano Fe3O4 is 0.4, the reaction time needs to be control at 60 minutes, the best temperature should be 50℃. Under these conditions, the maximum yield is 62.67%.
    Key words: Chitosan; nanoparticles; ejiao; preparation
    1.前言    1
    1.1纳米材料概述    1
    1.1.1纳米磁性粒子的概述    1
    1.1.2 磁性氧化铁纳米粒子的制备    2
    1.1.3 磁性纳米粒子的表面修饰    4
    1.2壳聚糖    6
    1.2.1壳聚糖的概述    6
    1.2.3磁性壳聚糖微球的应用    7
    1.2.4磁性壳聚糖微球的制备    8
    1.3靶向阿胶    10
    1.3.1阿胶的概述    10
    1.3.2阿胶的药理作用    10
    1.3.3靶向制剂的定义与分类    11
    1.3.4靶向制剂的特点    11
    1.3.5中药靶向给药的研究进展    11
    1.3.6靶向制剂的展望    12
    2.实验方案及设备    13
    2.1设计方案及创新点    13
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