    毕业论文关键词: 花香;香精;栀子花;调配
    Study on the preparation of Gardenia fragrance
    Abstract:Through sensory analysis, data on the composition of gardenia aroma and flavor note structure ,making the basic recipe. Laid emphasis on the effect of different monomer materials to the fragrance and their proportion. The result showed as followed.Suitable range of fruity note is about7%,jasmine note is about 19%,green note is about12%,rose wood note is about 12%,osmanthus sweet note is about 10%,Calyx sweet note is about 10%,clove sweet note is about 6% and grease note is about 1%.The final formulation is a delicious sweet rhyme-based, both strong jasmine, another of cymbidium Elegant gardenia fragrance. Head fresh aroma with sweet fruity, thick aroma and slightly acidic, like hyacinth and less spicy aroma, a large flower jasmine, neroli, tuberose note, and with grass-like fragrance ,the delicious sweet and sour fruit.Gardenia features prominent, aroma harmony, note intact.The cost of this recipe is about 85 yuan / kg.It can be used in middle and high-end cosmetics and commodity.
    Key Words:Floral;Fragrance;Gardenia;Preparation
    目 录
    1.前言    1
      1.1香精市场的发展及概述    1
      1.2 栀子花的简介    2
    1.3 本课题的研究目的和意义    3
    1.4 相关香原料的香气描述    3
      1.4.1相关主香剂的香气描述    3
      1.4.2相关协调剂的香气描述    4
      1.4.3相关变调剂的香气描述    5
    2.实验方法和实验内容    6
    2.1 实验仪器及设备    6
    2.2 实验原料    6
        2.2.1香原料    6
        2.2.2溶剂    7
      2.3 香气评定    7
      2.4 实验步骤    7
    3.实验结果分析与讨论    8
      3.1 基础配方的确定    8
      3.2各香韵的用量对香精香气的影响    12
        3.2.1果香香韵的用量对香精香气的影响    12
        3.2.2茉莉酮青香韵的用量对香精香气的影响    14
        3.2.3叶青香韵的用量对香精香气的影响    16
        3.2.4玫瑰木青香韵的用量对香精香气的影响    17
        3.2.5桂甜香韵的用量对香精香气的影响    19
        3.2.6萼清甜香韵的用量对香精香气的影响    20
        3.2.7辛甜香韵和膏香香韵的用量对香精香气的影响    23
    4.结论    25
      4.1优化配方    26
      4.2 最终配方的市场预估    26
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