    毕业论文关键词: 赖氨酸;天冬氨酸;聚天冬氨酸;赖氨酸-天冬氨酸共聚物;缓蚀
    A Study on inhibition performance of lysine - ASp - ASp - acid copolymer
    Abstract: As one of the important engineering materials in today's society. Whether it is construction, industry, or agricultural production, will use a large number of metal materials. But these metals are constantly being ignored. China has more than 5 million tons of steel each year, corrosion, metal corrosion will directly cause a very large economic losses. For unused steel, corrosion is a resource consumption, for the steel has been used, corrosion is a very big security risk. The main content of this paper is the synthesis of lysine - aspartate - aspartate and its corrosion resistance of steel. The changes of the corrosion resistance of the lysine - ASP - ASP copolymer in different environments were studied.First of all, it has certain corrosion inhibition and scale inhibition performance. However, due to the limitation of functional group structure, the corrosion inhibition effect is not very obvious. All of the papers were CO produced with aspartate, lysine, and lysine. Here the research adopts the aspartic acid 180 degrees Celsius to generate polysuccinimide, and lysine were mixed, pH in the alkaline environment, with water as solvent, stirring at normal temperature for 24 hours were synthesized. After 24 hours, the resulting solution can be obtained after drying the light yellow powder. The obtained powder was characterized by IR, and the lysine - aspartate copolymer was successfully synthesized. And with the proceeds of the mixed powder into standard solution, standard solution preparation in solution series of the concentration gradient of cooling water chemical treatment standard corrosion of A3 steel sheet and a series of lateral inhibition test. From the changes of temperature, pH, solution concentration, and other environmental conditions, the corrosion inhibition performance of A3 type steel sheet was studied. And comparison of the inhibition performance of the lysine - ASP - ASP.The results showed that lysine and aspartic acid copolymer compared to poly aspartic acid corrosion inhibition performance has greatly improved, in lysine, aspartic acid 1:1 mixture of synthetic copolymers, can reach the maximum inhibition effect. At room temperature or higher temperature, the solution concentration is 15mg/l, pH is 7-11, the steel has good corrosion inhibition effect.
  1. 上一篇:氯化钾酸性镀锌工艺的研究
  2. 下一篇:上海某郊县垃圾填埋场的工艺设计
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