

    关键词  光催化氧化;NO;紫外光/双氧水体系;TiS;氧化能力强化


    Title   Photocatalysis oxidation removal of NO from flue gas ofcoal-fired boilers by UV/H2O2 over TiS catalyst    advanced oxidation process


    This study aimed at investigating the photocatalysis oxidation removal of NO from flue gas of coal-fired boilers by UV/H2O2 over TiS catalyst advanced oxidation process. The effects of different catalysts and gas compose on NO oxidation were investigated and found that the S doped TiO2 catalyst could clearly improve the NO oxidation, compared with TiO2 and no catalyst in the H2O2/UV system In addition, the H2O2 and UV could also play an important role in the NO oxidation. Furthermore, the NO oxidative products were the stable nitrate. Analysis of catalyst characterizations by XRD, TEM, XPS, UV-vis and DFT calculations showed that the S (S6+) doping TiO2 catalyst included the heterostructure of Ti1-xSxOx+2 compounds and TiO2. The S doping increased the VB potential for the TiS catalyst. In addition, we designed different tests of PL,EPR liquid UV-vis analysis-PCBA and RhB to confirm the mechanism of enhanced NO oxidation over TiS catalyst. It was investigated that the reactions in the VB were important to the NO oxidation over the TiS(TiO2)+UV+H2O2 catalytic system. It was the reason of the enhanced NO oxidation for the TiS catalyst.

    Keywords:photocatalysis oxidation; NO; UV/H2O2; TiS; advanced oxidation process

    目   次

    1  引言 2

    2  实验 4

    2.1 催化剂制备 4

    2.2 催化剂活性测试 5

    2.3 计算明细 5

    2.4 特性描述 6

    3  结果和讨论 7

    3.1 催化剂活性测试 7

    3.1.1  催化剂性能 7

    3.1.2  气体组成,催化剂和紫外光的影响 8

    3.1.3  氧化产物分析 10

    3.2 催化剂特性研究 12

    3.2.1  XRD分析 12

    3.2.2  TEM分析 14

    3.2.3  XPS分析 17

    3.2.4  UV-vis-NIR分析 20

    3.2.5  表面DFT计算 21

    3.3  S掺杂TiO2脱硝能力强化的机理证明 23

    3.3.1  PL分析 23

    3.3.2  EPR分析

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