


    Annual output of 25000 tons of gas chlorination synthesis of methane chloride process design

    Abstract:This topic with annual output of 25000 tons of gas chlorination synthesis of methane chloride process design for a set of meet the requirements of the actual industrial production plan, in order to make the calculation more accurate, we first to methane chloride product properties, USES, the nature of the raw material was carried out based on investigation, after the production scale, production conditions were determined, we investigated at home and abroad the most advanced means of production, ultimately determine the chlorination process to produce synthetic route of methane, the plan is as follows: with natural gas (methane) and chlorine gas as raw material to produce methane chloride, the project layout for the four stages as follows: reaction, absorption section, and refined section and drying section. And we will to the synthetic route of the relevant information accurately business accounting, to ensure the project complete, relevant content includes equipment of material balance and heat balance, the production process, for the arrangement of the equipment layout, finally use AUTOCAD drawing with locus of control process flow diagram, workshop equipment layout (main view, top view) and the main equipment design makes the whole project conforms to the scientific, at the same time put forward concerning production safety, personnel safety, environmental protection, and a series of rules to achieve economic benefit maximization, but at the same time ensure that they meet production standards.

    KeyWords:Gas chlorination process;Methane chloride;Methyl chloride

    目  录

    1设计课题的来源 1

    2产品介绍 1

      2.1 产品性质、用途、技术规检 1

      2.2 原料的性质、技术规格 2

      2.3 国内外产品需求 3

    3二氯甲烷工业的发展 4

      3.1 生产技术的发展情况 4

      3.2 我国二氯甲烷生产现状 6

    4设计课题的主要内容、关键问题及设计方案 7

      4.1 合成二氯甲烷反应特点 7

      4.2 生产方法的确定 7

    5工艺流程确定 9

      5.1 甲烷氯化生产工艺 9

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