
    摘要MALDI-TOF-MS(基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱)是近年来发展起来的一种新型的软电离生物质谱,其多用于测定混合物和大生物分子,测定原理为根据到达检测器的飞行时间不同而被检测即测定离子的质荷比(M/Z)与离子的飞行时间成正比 ,检测离子,所以常被用来分子的定性测定。但近年来,MALDI质谱用于定量分析的例子屡见不鲜,但是定量的重复性却一直是研究的重点,因为定量重复性好才能体现出MALDI用于定量的优点。本次论文就是研究如何用不同的方法,不同的基质,不同的样品,不同的实验条件来得到好的实验结果重复性。47084



    毕业论文关键词:MALDI;定量; 基质辅助激光解吸电离;重复性;分析;基质

    MALDI mass spectrometry quantitative repetitive research   

       Abstract   MALDI - TOF - MS (matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry) is developed in recent years ,it is a new type of soft ionization biological mass spectrometry,  so it is often used to qualitative determination.But in recent years, MALDI mass spectrometry for quantitative analysis of examples, but it is always the key point of the research on quantitative repeatability, for quantitative repeatability can reflect specifically for the advantages of quantitative.The paper is to study how to use different methods, different matrix, different sample, different experimental conditions to get the good repeatability of experimental results.

       First we adopt different drugs (CHCA, DHB, pencil lead) to do matrix, using the same samples for analysis, under the condition of the same measurement repeatability, compare samples under which the matrix has good repeatability, it is concluded that the influence of different substrates on the quantitative analysis of repetitive;Then use the same matrix and different quantitative analysis of the repeatability of the sample, it is concluded that the repeatability of samples with different molecular weight of high and low, found it hard to the peak of small molecular weight samples;Finally, with the same matrix, the same samples, the different method to determine the repeatability.

       Experiments often there will be some problems, such as substrate tension of the solvent is small, can spread easily cause pollution of the other samples, sample and solvent ratio, the extraction methods of samples and so on.

    Keywords: MALDI; quantitative; Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization; repeatability; matrix

    目 录

    1 引言 1

    1.1 背景 1

    1.1.1 MALDI定性分析 1

    1.1.2 MALDI定量分析 1

    1.1.3 定量局限性 2

    1.1.4 常用定量方法 2

    1.1.5 基质选择 2

    1.2 文献方法

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