

    Abstract As a kind of excellent catalysts, Pd can catalyze various organic reactions. Pd loads on the surface of SiO2 which will improve its stability and reduces the loss in the process of catalyze. On the other hand, the large specific surface area of SiO2 nanoparticles will adsorb reactant and improve the efficiency of catalytic reaction.

    Our experiment preparation the Janus Pd/SiO2 nanocomposite particles (NCPs)  through a combination of the sol–gel process of tetramethoxysilane in inverse miniemulsions and in situ reduction of Pd salts via a gas diffusion process of hydrazine. The formation of Pd nanoparticles (NPs) was verified by X-ray diffraction. The Janus morphology of the Pd/SiO2 NCPs was confirmed by microscopic observation. The Pd/SiO2 NCPs displayed a mesoporous structure. The content of Pd NPs in the NCPs could be conveniently adjusted by the K2PdCl4 loading. The mesoporous Janus Pd/SiO2 NCPs show a good catalytic activity towards the reduction of p-nitrophenol with NaBH4.

    毕业论文关键词:Pd; SiO2; 催化剂; 反相细乳液

    Key words: Pd; SiO2; Catalyst; Inverse Miniemulsion

    1.引言 4

    2.实验部分 5

    2.1实验材料与设备 5

    2.1.1实验材料 5

    2.1.2实验设备 5

    电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪 6

    2.2合成纳米催化剂过程 6

    2.2.1合成Pd盐/SiO2粒子 6

    2.2.2形成Janus结构的Pd/SiO2纳米复合粒子 7

    2.2.3热处理 7

    2.3 对硝基苯酚催化 7

    2.4 性能表征 7

    2.4.1 透射电镜(TEM) 8

    2.4.2 场发射扫描电镜(FESEM) 8

    2.4.3 动态散射粒径测试(DLS) 8

    2.4.4 氮气吸附分析 8

    2.4.5热重分析(TGA) 8

    2.4.6傅里叶变换红外测试(FT-IR) 8

    2.4.7 X射线衍射分析(XRD) 8

    2.4.电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS) 9

    3. 结果与讨论 9

    3.1 Janus形态的Pd/SiO2纳米复合粒子的合成及其性能 9

    3.2 调整Pd/SiO2纳米复合粒子的Pd含量 14

    3.3 Janus形态的Pd/SiO2纳米复合粒子的形成机理 15

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