
    The design aims at the production of 600 tons of sodium lauryl polyoxyethene (7) isooctyl sulfosuccinate. Using maleic anhydride and hydroxyl compounds to esterification, then ester and sodium sulfite addition, Process design for the whole production workshop. In this paper, the design of the requirements focuses on the design, to select a reasonable process. The material balance and heat balance of the whole process were carried out, and the parameters of the reactor were determined. It has completed the equipment calculation and selection of the whole workshop, the layout design of the workshop. This design follows the spirit of the theory with practice and draws a process flow diagram, equipment layout, material balance chart etc. According to the properties of raw materials and products, and puts forward the method of safety production, waste treatment methods and safety precautions.
    The scale of this design is 600 tons of sodium lauryl polyoxyethene (7) isooctyl sulfosuccinate, started in 300 days, two operating system, each batch yield is 1000kg. It has the material balance, heat balance and equipment selection calculation. It also explains the environmental protection measures and the safety production standard.
    Guiding by the tutor originally, had submitted a lot of valuable and positive suggestions, had helped me to raise the design mass. Here, I express my sincere thanks to them. Throughout the design process, I had a comprehensive understanding of their production process. According to my professional knowledge, combined with the learning experience, flexible application, laid a basis for future work related. Because of the wide range of knowledge of the design of sodium lauryl polyoxyethene (7) isooctylsulfosuccinate process, and my knowledge and experience is limited. So having design errors and anything wrong with that, I urge marking teacher criticism.
    1前言    1
    2磺基琥珀酸酯盐概述    2
    2.1 磺基琥珀酸酯盐性能    3
    2.1.1 溶解性    3
    2.1.2 渗透性    3
    2.1.3 表面活性    3
    2.1.4 润湿性    3
    2.1.5 乳化性    3
    2.2 磺基琥珀酸酯钠盐的分类    4
    2.2.1 双酯钠盐    4
    2.2.2 单酯二钠盐    4
    2.3 表面活性剂的国内外发展状况    4
    2.4 磺基琥珀酸酯盐的应用前景    5
    3磺基琥珀酸酯盐的合成方法    6
    3.1 月桂醇醚(7)异辛基磺基琥珀酸混合双酯钠生产工艺    7
    3.1.1 单酯化过程    7
    3.1.2 双酯化过程    7
    3.1.3 中和过程    8
    3.1.4 磺化过程    8
    4设计依据    9
    5物料衡算    11
    5.1 单酯化过程    11
    5.1.1 进料    12
    5.1.2 出料    13
    5.2 双酯化过程    14
    5.2.1进料    14
    5.2.2 出料    15
    5.3.1 进料    16
    5.3.2 出料    17
    5.4 磺化过程    18
    5.4.1 进料    18
    5.4.2 出料    19
    6能量衡算    22
    6.1 各物质的的等压热熔    24
    6.2 各物质的生成焓    25
    6.3 各反应过程热量衡算    28
    6.3.1 单酯化过程(计算基准为1批量)    28
    6.3.2 双酯化过程(计算基准为1批量)    30
    6.3.3 磺化过程(计算基准为1批量)    32
    7工艺设备计算与选型    34
    7.1 设计方法与原则    34
    7.1.1 反应器的选型    34
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