


    The research on CuO-CeO2 catalysts prepared by citric acid sol gel method and their CO oxidation activity

    Abstract: A series of CuO-CeO2 catalysts were prepared by sol-gel method with CeO2 as the support, citric acid as the complexing agent,and were alcined at different temperature(500,650,and 800℃). These catalysts were characterized by H2-TPR,and  their catalytic activities for low temperature CO oxidation were investigated. H2-TPR results showed that the high dispersion of CuO was the active center of the catalyst, which was beneficial to the improvement of the catalytic activity, and the catalytic activity of the catalyst was hindered by the large particle CuO.CO activity evaluation results show that: in the case of the calcination temperature of 500℃ and 650℃, using the citric acid sol gel method with the incorporation of PEG was the highest, and the lowest was prepared by the PEG isolation method. The activity of the catalyst calcined at 800℃ was:EiCuCe1>EiCuCe2>EiCuCe3. The activity evaluation results of catalyst calcined at different temperatures with the same preparation method show that high temperature sintered most CuO into the ceria support and catalyst surface hardly exist small particles of copric oxide, which made the reduction reaction difficult to occur. Besides,the catalytic activity decreased with the increase of the calcination temperature no matter produced by which preparation method.

    Keywords: CO catalytic oxidation; sol-gel method with citric acid; CuO-CeO2

     目  录

    1 前言 1

    1.1 一氧化碳低温催化氧化研究背景 1

    1.2 文献综述 1

    1.3 方案论证 3

    2  实验部分 4

    2.1 实验仪器、原料与试剂 4

    2.1.1 实验试剂 4

    2.1.2  实验气体 4

    2.1.3  实验仪器和设备 5

    2.2  催化剂的制备 5

    2.2.1  柠檬酸溶胶-凝胶法 5

    2.2.2  掺入PEG的柠檬酸溶胶-凝胶法 6

    2.2.3  采用PEG隔离法 7

    2.3  催化剂CO活性的评价实验 7

    2.4 程序升温还原实验(TPR) 10

    3 实 验 分 析 13

    3.1 程序升温还原分析 13

    3.1.1 不同制备方法所制得催化剂的TPR分析

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